General Jedi Trainer (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - General Jedi Trainer

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General Jedi Trainer (Game Messages)

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75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

General Jedi Trainer Messages

Note: Player response choices and information for the prompt where the player requests more information on a skill are unknown at this time until more screenshots are found.

ID Path Filename Trigger NPC Message Player Response System Message Skill Options Notes Examples

Prompt 1
greeting /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string I know why the Force has brought you here. I have forseen your coming. You wish to learn the ways of the Jedi.
opt1_1 /string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string I'm interested in learning a skill. Player response that sends them to Prompt 2 if they have experience to learn the skills. If the player has no experience or already has all these skills learned then they are sent to prompt 6. We could perhaps send the player to another prompt if they have mastered the profession...
opt1_2 /string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string What skills will I be able to learn next? If the player chooses the “What skills will I be able to learn next?” response, The npc will list the skills available to the player upon next skill up. All choices are made for whatever highest tier the player has reached. For example if the player is currently at 3xxx in skills then the skills displayed will be the ones at 4111 on the skill tree. I believe that upon clicking on these skills, the player receives some sort of information about them but I am not sure what type of information is presented or what menu is shown for this.
Prompt 2
msg2_1 /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string You are ready to train in the following skills... This prompt lists the trainable skills for the player.
internal_command_string Reserved for Skill 4
internal_command_string Reserved for Skill 3
internal_command_string Reserved for Skill 2
internal_command_string Reserved for Skill 1
back /string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string Can we start again? Player response that brings them back to prompt 1.
Prompt 3
msg2_2 /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string Here are the skills on which you should be practicing. I will teach you these when you have enough experience. If the player chooses the “What skills will I be able to learn next?” response, The npc will list the skills available to the player upon next skill up. All choices are made for whatever highest tier the player has reached. For example if the player is currently at 3xxx in skills then the skills displayed will be the ones at 4111 on the skill tree. I believe that upon clicking on these skills, the player receives some sort of information about them but I am not sure what type of information is presented or what menu is shown for this.
internal_command_string Reserved for Skill 4
internal_command_string Reserved for Skill 3
internal_command_string Reserved for Skill 2
internal_command_string Reserved for Skill 1
back /string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string Can we start again? Player response that brings them back to prompt 1.
Prompt 4
confirm /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string Are you sure you wish to purchase this skill? Npc response sent to player asking if they wish to purchase the skills after the player chose to learn new skills.
yes /string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string Yes
no /string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string No
Prompt 5
nsf_skill_pts /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string There is a disturbance in the Force. You must first make %DI skill points available before I can train you in %TO. Message a player receives from the npc if they do not have enough skill points to train in the skill.
/string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string I'm interested in learning a skill.
/string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string What skills will I be able to learn next?
Prompt 6
error_empty_category /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string You are not ready to receive any more training at this time. Message player receives if they select the “I'm interested in learning a skill” option to attempt to train but have no experience to train in any skill or have already trained in everything that the trainer can train them in (i.e a master already)
/string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string I'm interested in learning a skill.
/string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string What skills will I be able to learn next?
Prompt 7
msg3_3 /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string Allow me to give you some insight to that skill... Prompt that is given to the player if they click on one of the skills shown from prompt 3. The npc will then provide some sort of information about the skill. Unknown what this information is at the moment.
Prompt 8
msg3_2 /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string Yes, quiet your mind and concentrate. The Force will guide you. This is the npc response and prompt received by the player after they click the “I'm interested in learning a skill.” response choice from prompt 1 and have it be successfully completed through.
prose_skill_learned /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string You successfully train in the %TO skill.
command_acquired_prose /string/en/ ui_skl.stf internal_command_string You have acquired a new ability: %TU! Notification to the player of any abilities that they have acquired from the training
qualify /string/en/ ui_skl.stf internal_command_string You now qualify for the skill: Notification to the player if they still qualify for more training.
opt1_1 /string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string I'm interested in learning a skill.
opt1_2 /string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string What skills will I be able to learn next?
Prompt 9
msg_no /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string Yes, it does you well to exercise patience. How else may I be of service? This is the npc response given to a player if the player chooses the No response to decline the offer to be trained in Prompt 4
opt1_1 /string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string I'm interested in learning a skill.
opt1_2 /string/en/ skill_teacher.stf internal_command_string What skills will I be able to learn next?
Prompt 10
no_teach_jedi /string/en/ jedi_trainer.stf internal_command_string I doubt there is anything I can teach in which you would be interested in learning. I am sorry. Perhaps you should find someone else to train you. This is the message given to Prepublish 9 Jedi if they attempt to talk to a trainer that is not their personal trainer.

Other messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Notes Example
waypoint_created_to_trainer /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string A waypoint to your trainer has been placed in your datapad. Notification to the player that a waypoint has been generated for their trainer.
trainer_waypoint_name /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string Jedi Skill Trainer Waypoint name for the personal Jedi Trainer
trainer_updated /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string Seek out your new trainer. (New Waypoint Received) (Unknown)
find_new_trainer /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string Your
not_your_trainer /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string I can not help you further down your chosen path. Seek out a new skill trainer. (Unknown)
unable_to_locate_trainer /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string You are unable to sense your trainer at this time. Notification to player that a waypoint cannot be generated to their jedi trainer after they attempt /findmytrainer. This was probably because they were not on the same planet as to where their trainer was designated to spawn at.
cant_train_while_converting /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string I can't speak to you right now. Come back when you're done with whatever it is that you're doing. Message received by a player when they still had their Jedi skill conversion pending. The npc would not train them until the conversion process was completed. (Just post publish 9)