Factory Add Power (Game Mechanics)

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Game Mechanics - Mechanics Category

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Game Mechanics

Factories and Harvesters require energy resources to operate. Attempting to use these structures without power will only cause them to shut down after turning them on. Power Consumption is the amount of power that is deducted from the power reserves available to a factory or harvester at every hour. Power is only consumed if the structure is in active use. Power reserves can be observed in a structure by clicking on the structure, selecting the Structure Management radial menu and selecting the Status option. This will bring up an SUI window which lists the current reserves in the structure.

Types of Power

A couple of notes about power- there are a number of items in the game with the word "fuel" in them, such as liquid petrochemical fuel, and solid petrochemical fuel. These are NOT used as power in structures, although the wording in certain sections of documentation and descriptions might make you think so. Here are the types of power that can be used for harvesters & factories:

  • Solar (liquid) energy.
  • Wind (liquid) energy.
  • Radioactive energy.

The first two are harvested from solar and wind generators respectively. The energy is stored in liquid form in a canister-like object. The third is either harvested by a fusion generator or by a mineral mining installation set to mine radioactive mineral.

Energy Calculation

The actual number of "units" of usable energy a player has is affected by the PE (Potential Energy) rating of the energy they carry. The rule is, a PE rating of 500 or less on a given power resource equals exactly one unit of power. Anything above 500 and the amount of power that can be obtained from a type of resource is increased.

For example If you have 1000 units of radioactive material with exactly 500 PE, you have 1000 units of power. If you have 1000 units of radioactive material with only 250 PE, you still have exactly 1000 units of power, as you can't go below one unit of power per unit of resource. If, however, you have 1000 units of radioactive material with 750 PE, you have 1500 units of power!

The formula works like this: For anything with a PE over 500, take that PE rating, divide it by 500, then multiply the result by the amount of the resource you have to figure out how much power you have.

If PE is greater than 500- Formula: P = R * (PE/500) Where P=Amount of power and R=Amount of resource.

If PE is 500 or lower- Formula: P=R

Examples: 1000 units of PE 750 radioactive: 1000 * (750/500)= 1500

3200 units of PE 920 solar power: 3200 * (920/500)=5888

7200 units of PE 114 wind power: 7200. Note: PE is low, but you can't have fewer units of power than you do units of resource.

Adding Power to Structures

Structures can be given power by clicking on them to bring up the radial menu, and then clicking the Structure Management radial option. On the Structure management radial, the player must click the Deposit Power option. Clicking Deposit Power will bring up a new SUI window allowing the player to input an amount of power for the structure.

Alternatively a player my select on the structure and use the /addPower command while within visual range of the structure. Using the /addPower command without a parameter will bring up the Add Power sui prompt allowing the player to select the amount they wish to deposit. Adding an integer parameter to the /addPower command (ex. /addPower 1000 )will directly add that amount of power to the structure, if the player has power in their inventory or backpack.

Source References

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