Survey Missions (Game Mechanics)

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Template (Game Messages)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Game Mechanics

Survey missions are missions that require a player to find a minimum level concentration of a resource and perform a survey scan over it. Survey missions may be picked up from the Survey tab on artisan mission terminals or from mission giving npcs.

Crafting Mission STFs

The following is a list of stfs that contain crafting mission data:

  • /mission/mission_npc_crafting_imperial_easy.stf
  • /mission/mission_npc_crafting_neutral_easy.stf
  • /mission/mission_npc_crafting_rebel_easy.stf

Analysis of Mission Details

There are a number of important bits of information to know about a mission which are viewable through the mission details on the mission terminal or on the mission itself in the player's datapad.

The parts of a crafting mission details are:

  • Item
  • Start
  • Destination
  • Creator
  • Reward
  • Difficulty


The item detail lists the item that is needed to complete the mission. A player may turn in that particular item to the destination npc once it has been crafted. The item that is requested to be made is randomized for each mission.

Note: The source of the item doesnt matter. A player can craft an item from a previous mission, abort the mission and keep the item and turn the item in for credit on a new mission.


This is the coordinate of the starting npc that will upload the Item schematic to the player as well as give them components necessary to build it. Starting npcs are always commoners randomly selected from the commoner node points within the town that the mission terminal belongs to. Commoner nodes are spawn points where commoner npcs are found. The server chooses randomly which point will be used as a starting point within the selected town. Starting locations are always begun on the same planet as the mission giver. If a player acquires a crafting mission within a player city then the start location will be one of the following fixed locations (depending on which planet the player is on):

  • mos entha
  • keren
  • mining outpost - dantooine
  • dearic
  • restuss
  • coronet
  • nym's outpost

Players receive one of 5 schematics when they interact with the starting npc:

Note: Players keep the item's schematic so long as they still have the mission. If the player completes the mission or it is aborted, then the schematic is removed from the player's datapad.


This is the coordinate of the npc that the player is to take the completed Item to in order to receive credit for the mission. Destination locations for crafting missions are always in a different city than where the start location originates and are always on the planet where the mission giver is. Destination targets are always commoners randomly selected from the commoner node points within a town. Commoner nodes are spawn points where commoner npcs are found. The server chooses randomly which point will be used as a destination point within the selected town.


The creator of the mission is always the name of the destination location npc.


This is the payout to the player in credits for successfully completing the mission. Reward is only given out if the player turns in the item to the destination npc by dragging and dropping the item on top of it. Mission payout reward formula is currently unknown.


Crafting missions are always difficulty 1.

Crafting Mission STF Analysis

The following is an example taken from the mission_npc_crafting_neutral_easy file for crafting missions. An overview for how to properly read and interpret the stf file will be included further below.

m10d One of my clients is headed for Iskallon and wants to commission a custom sonic weapon. This rifle will need a specialized amplification chamber. I've got the specs for it right here, but I don't have the time to assemble all the parts. If you think you can lend a hand, I'd reward your service. Pick up the components from my supplier.

m10p Iskallon is a water world, I believe. Makes sense. These sonic weapons are much more effective underwater. Here are the parts. When you're finished assembling the part deliver it to the customer. Good luck with it.

m10r Excellent work, citizen. I think this will aid my mission rather well. Tell the engineer I'll deliver a status report when I get back.

m10s Sounds like you did a fine job. I've deposited your fee, and I think you'll find it quite generous. I hope you look me up in the future if you need work.

m10t Sonic Weapons Are Loud


m10d - This is the mission description displayed in mission terminals or on the mission if a player examines the mission. This is also given as npc dialogue when a player receives the mission from a mission giving npc.

m10p - This is the response given by the npc that the player picks up the components and schematics from. This is issued once the player has successfully conversed and interacted with it.

m10r - This is the response given by the npc that the player delivers the finished requested item to. This is issued once the player has dropped the item onto the npc.

m10s - This response is not used in game, but was probably intended as a response given by a mission giving npc once the player finished that particular assignment and came back to it for another mission.

m10t - This is the mission title as seen on the terminal or on the mission details once the mission has been accepted by the player.

Step by Step Progression of a Crafting Mission

Source References

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