Creature Pet Commands (Game Mechanics)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Creature Pet Command Mechanics

In this section, I will go over the basic Creature Pet Commands, and how to use these commands. Creature Pet Commands are viewable in the datapad by clicking on the creature pet icon in the menu:

The Datapad List

The datapad list is a window that is obtained by the player through left clicking on the Pet Control Device in the datapad. The window to the left displays all the known commands that the pet has acquired.

Part 1. Program Radial Menu Commands

Pets have a few default trained commands when they are first created which are displayed. Others have to be trained into the pet.

Using The Program Menu Commands

Complete Program Menu Command List

This is a listing of all available radial options that may be trained to droids as they appear under the Program menu radial.

Radial Name Default Command Parent Radial Menu For Programming Notes
Follow Me follow Program
Follow Other Program
Stay stay Program
Befriend Program
Get in Column Formation Program
Get in Wedge Formation Program
Patrol Program
Get Patrol Point Program
Clear Patrol Point Program
Group group Program
Store release Program
Guard Program (Appears for Combat capable droids only)
Attack Program (Appears for Combat capable droids only)
Repair Other Droid

Program (appears as Do Trick Two in datapad & command list)
Recharge Other Droid

Program (appears as Do Trick One in datapad & command list)
Use Ranged Attack

Program 1. Appears as Ranged Attack in datapad & command list
2. Appears for Combat capable R-units only

Part 2. Droid Module Menu Commands

Complete Module Specific Radial Menu Command List

This is a listing of all available radial options that may be trained to droids as they appear under the various Droid Module Specific menu radials.

Radial Name Default Command Parent Radial Menu For Programming Notes
Program Target Harvest Harvest Options Appears as Harvest Creature in datapad & command list
Program: Fire Trap Trap Projectile Controls Appears as Fire Trap Projectile in datapad & command list

Part 3. Droid Conversation Menu Commands

Droid Conversation Menu Command List

This is a listing of all available radial options that may be trained to droids as they appear under the various conversation menu radials used by droids that have personality chips.

Radial Name Default Command Parent Radial Menu For Programming Notes
Follow Me follow Program
Follow Other Program
Stay stay Program
Befriend Program
Get in Column Formation Program
Get in Wedge Formation Program
Patrol Program
Get Patrol Point Program
Clear Patrol Point Program
Group group Program
Store release Program
Guard Program (Appears for Combat capable droids only)
Attack Program (Appears for Combat capable droids only)
Repair Other Droid

Program (appears as Do Trick Two in datapad & command list)

Part 4. Droid Module Menu Commands

Misc Radial Menu Command List

This is a listing of all available radial options that may be trained to droids as they appear under the various Droid Module Specific menu radials.

Radial Name Default Command Parent Radial Menu For Programming Notes
Incapacitation Recovery Appears on datapad radial list.

Part 5. Programmable Command Definitions


1. Commands cannot be issued to pets if the pet is outside of a building and the player issuing a command is inside of a building.

2. Pets commanded to "follow" or "stay" in combat will stop fighting, and either follow, or stay, until commanded to attack something.

    Most of the commands explain themselves, but I'll run through some of the commands with you.

  • Follow Me This command will make your droid come to you from its current position and then begin following you as you move around
  • Follow Other - Targeted command that makes your
    droid come from its current position and then follows the designated target until they take a shuttle
    or log out of client.
  • Stay - This command will cause your droid to stop its current movement and then stay put.
  • Befriend- Allows a targeted player to control your droid. It Allows the target to issue commands to the droid. The befriended player cannot issue /tellpet commands however
  • Group - This command will cause the pet to group with the player, provided that the pet and owner are within range of the group leader (normal grouping range applies). Using the command again while already grouped will disband the pet from the group.
  • Get in Column/Wedge Formation - This command causes your droid to assume a new position behind you
  • Get Patrol Point - Marks a spot along a path for your droid to patrol. Allows a droid to store up to 10 patrol points, but only while the droid is present. If the droid is stored, you will need to re-program the patrol points. Patrol points can be up to 50 meters apart.
  • Clear Patrol Points - Clears all stored patrol points on a droid.
  • Guard - Commands a combat capable pet to guard your current target (another player, NPC or creature). Your pet will attack anyone who attacks the guarded target. Guard is a toggle; you can command your pet to stop guarding by using the Guard option when you don't have anything targeted (the ESC key clears all targets). The droid will guard who ever is targeted. If no one is targeted, or an enemy is targeted, the droid will guard its owner. The droid will attack the first aggressive entity that comes after the guarded target. Any subsequent aggressor will be added to its list to attack after the initial aggressor has been destroyed. Pets will not stop guarding when commanded to follow or stay in combat (i.e. they will resume guarding after combat).
  • Attack - Use this command and your droid will attack your current targeted enemy (if combat capable)
  • Store - This command puts your droid back into your datapad

  • Harvest Creature - This command is found on droids that have been given creature harvest modules. Command must be programmed into the command list by using the Harvest Options menu, then the Program Target Harvest radial option on the droid. When used, the droid will go to the targeted corpse, and begin harvesting a resource determined by harvest options.
  • Fire Trap Projectile - This command is found on droids that have been given trap throwing modules. Command must be programmed into the command list by using the Trap Projectile Controls menu, then the Program: Fire Trap radial option on the droid. When used, the droid will begin firing traps off at the targeted creature.

  • Do Trick One

    This command appears on any power droid. The command must be programmed into the command list by using the Program menu, then Recharge Other Droid option on the droid. When used, the droid will go to the target and begin to recharge it.

  • Do Trick Two

    This command appears on any droid that is equipped with a Repair module or Auto Repair module. For droids with Repair Modules, the command must be programmed into the command list by using the Program menu, then Repair Other Droid option. Droids with Auto Repair Modules cannot be reprogrammed. The default command for those is "repair." Note that during pre-cu this seemed to cause a conflict in that a player that equipped both an auto-repair module and a repair module could not use the droid due to a conflict in programming since both modules activated off the same command. Perhaps we should add an additional trick for droids such as Do Trick Three or Do Trick Four.

    Part 6. Misc Command & Ability Definitions

  • Tellpet

    If you're worried about contributing to the spam in busy areas, or disturbing the peace and tranquility in quiet areas as you shout "Follow Me" at your droid, then you can use the "/tellpet" command.

    When you have one pet out and you wish to use the /tellpet command, you do not need to target your pet. You may simply issue the command, eg "/tellpet group." In the case where you have multiple pets out, you need to target the pet that you wish to issue the command to and then send the command, eg "/tellpet group" otherwise the command is sent to all pets. If you've named your pet, then you can address it by name without having to target it. For example if your pet's name is "Fluffy" then you would say "/tellpet (Fluffy) attack" or for one called "EojsKillahDroid" "/tellpet (EojsKillahDroid) follow target" (note that the pet's name must have the brackets around it, and that it is case-sensitive and should be typed exactly as you see the name above the pet's head). Issuing commands based on pet name only works for pets that have been given names. Pets that have not been named for example "a 3PO protocol droid" or "a bol (baby)" cannot have commands issued via their name, therefore the owner must use the normal /tellpet method or targeting the pet and then doing /tellpet. The /tellpet command can only send words, or groupings of letters that must be at least 2 letters. Single letter commands cannot be sent using /tellpet. Additionally, commands sent are case sensitive meaning that "aa" and "AA" are in effect, different commands.

    Another use of the tellpet command is to train pets. When the owner wishes to train a pet, they will use the radial menu on the pet (or conversation dialog choices for certain droids) and then the pet will be receptive to commands. At this point the owner can use /tellpet to issue the command that they wish the pet to be trained with, eg "/tellpet follow." Once the command is sent, the pet will will have learned it and will be ready to use it or learn a new command.

    Part 7. Programming the Commands

    Now that you have a droid, what do you do with it?

    Once you have called your droid you need to program the commands it will need. Target your new droid and open the radial menu.

    To train the droid select and pick "Program" from the radial menu. This will give you a list of commands that your droid is able to learn. When you have selected the command, a "?" will appear over the droid's head and in Spatial Chat. The command can be made either in Spatial or by using the /tellpet command. A command can be up to a total of 30 characters in length and can consist of letters, characters, and spaces. Commands are case sensitive according to how you originally typed the command. Now say the command and the droid will respond. Once a proper command is issued, the droid will respond with a "!" over its head and in Spatial Chat to confirm that it has learned its new command. You can then verify that the command was issued properly by checking in the datapad under the List Commands menu in the radial. For example:

    • Select Program from the droid's radial menu, and select "Follow Me".

    • Droid indicates it is ready with a question mark floating above its head "?".

    • Say the word that you want to use, "heel", bear in mind that this is case-sensitive so if you type it in capitals here, you will need to type it in capital letters each time you command the droid.

    • Droid responds to indicate that it has learned that command by an exclamation mark floating above its head "!".

    • Repeat for any further commands you'd like to teach it.

    • Droids that are issued conflicting commands such as those that they cannot complete without additional parameters (such as issuing patrols without first setting patrol points) will display an "!" and "?" icons over their head indicating their confusion.

    • When you issue a command a blue exclamation mark will float over the pet's head to acknowledge that the order has been received.

    • Additionally, commands sent are case sensitive meaning that "aa" and "AA" are in effect, different commands.

    Note: Pets can be issued commands from up to 90 meters away by using /tellpet to issue the command. Using spatial/shout/yell chat to issue commands to pet is limited to the spatial, shout & yell chat radius.

    Source References

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