Combat Difficulty Rating (Game Mechanics)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.


When you have a creature targeted, you will see a small icon over its head next to its HAM bar. The color of this icon represents its relative difficulty (or challenge level) compared to the experience you have with the weapon you currently have equipped (or with unarmed combat, if you do not have a weapon equipped).

A green icon indicates that the creature should be fairly easy to defeat; blue indicates that you will probably kill the creature, but it will prove somewhat difficult; white indicates that the creature's abilities are on par with your own, it should be an even match; yellow indicates that the creature is slightly stronger than you, and will be very difficulty to kill; red indicates that the creature is much more skilled than you, and will most likely defeat you easily.

In addition to the visual indicator mentioned above, you can also target a creature and use the /consider command. This will send you a message in your chat window telling you how difficult it should be to defeat.

Player Personal Difficulty (CL)

The player personal difficulty level is the innate skill modifier given to players as they train skill boxes that are linked to the use of particular weapons. Each weapon's use is linked to certain professions. For example pistols use marksman, pistoleer and smuggler skill modifiers and skill boxes for calculating pistol speed and accuracy. Within some of these boxes are modifiers known as "private combat difficulty." Each 100 points in private combat difficulty equates to 1 level added to a character's personal CL. Every player, regardless of starting profession chosen, starts out with a private combat difficutly of 500 which makes this character effectively CL 5. This CL is the basis for calculating relative power between two opponents, and thus the 'consider' level. Characters can be up to a maximum of CL 25 with the exception being JEDI who are

I've had a bit of trouble tracking down the exact formula for consider levels. This is made a bit more difficult because of the limited number of data points I personally have available (namely, the number of CL's I am able to assume with various weapon combinations), but it appears to be a percentage system:

0-30%: green con 31-50%: light blue con 51-80%: dark blue con 81%-120%: white con 121-150%: yellow con 151%+: red con

Group cons take into account the makeup of the group. This is even harder to figure out, but it appears take into account the average level of the group as well as the number of members of the group.

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