City Civic Structures (Game Mechanics)

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Game Mechanics

Civic Structures are city buildings that can be placed by the mayor only and take no lots. City Halls, Gardens, Garages, Banks, Cloning Facilities, Shuttleports, terminals and decorations are Civic Structures; the city rank and Politician skills determine how many/when a structure can be placed and all maintenance costs come from the city treasury. Only the current Mayor has admin to these structures. A Mayor can remove structures by using the "Destroy Structure" command from the Structure Management Terminal; all civic structures can be redeeded if they are in 100% condition except City Hall. A Mayor can remove decorations, trainers and terminals via the radial menu for the item; only Mayors can see the "Remove" option available on these items.

Structure Placement and Requirements

Player City structures (View Player City Buildings) require the city to be a certain rank in order to be placed (detailed above), but also requires the player to have certain class skills as well. Each structure within a city adds to the weekly maintenance deducted from the city treasury at the time of the city update.

City Hall

Requires Novice Politician to place.

A City Hall is a civic structure and takes no lots, but provides the Mayor with 250 item limit for decoration or storage. City Hall is the only Player City structure that cannot be redeeded. Once it is placed, the only option is removal which results in the destruction of the city. City Hall is the center of the city radius and is where city administration takes place.

Cloning Center

Requires Politician Martial Policy II to place.

Cloning Centers are civic structures and take no lots, but they provide the Mayor with 250 item limit for decoration or storage. They cost the city 20k credits per week in maintenance. A Cloning Center may be redeeded by the Mayor using the "Destroy Structure" option on the Structure Terminal. Player City Cloning Centers work in the same manner as NPC city Cloning Centers. You have the option to store clone data at that location, and insurance terminals are available.


Requires Politician Civic Policy II to place.

Garages are civic structures and take no lots. A Player City Garage allows players to repair their vehicles just as NPC Garages do. When a player drives near the Garage, a system message appears stating, "You have entered into the proximity of a vehicle garage." A "Repair" menu option will appear on the player's vehicle and using this option will open the repair estimate window. If a Player City has added a Garage Tax, this percentage will be automatically added into the repair estimate.

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