Creature Social Behavior (Game Mechanics)

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Game Mechanics - Mechanics Category

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Game Mechanics

Creatures in SWG engage in a number of social behaviors within their own species as well as in with hostile targets. A list of creature behaviors is as follows:

  • Scout
  • Herd
  • Pack
  • Carnivore
  • Herbivore
  • Lair Healing
  • Lair Tethering
  • Passive Animations

Test Logs


Scouting behavior is linked to creatures flagged as Scouts. A scout can only appear in a lair that can spawn 5 creatures. Of these five creatures, one will be created as a scout and upon being attacked or if it is assisting another creature of its social group, it will then run to the lair. When the scout reaches the lair, all creatures associated with that lair will be alerted, become hostile and then go after the attacker and any grouped party members. Scout creatures are considered as a Type of whichever animal classification they are, i.e a bachelor gualama (scout) is a type of bachelor gualama.


Herd creatures move in groups but do not assist each other unless they are also flagged as being Pack creatures. Herding behavior essentially mirrors real-world creatures that stick near other like herd animals. These creatures will follow around other herd creatures of their species. If the creatures are split up (for whatever reasons) then they will try to find the nearest herd creature of their species at the lair. Creatures should always remain within the 64 meter tether of their lair spawn point.


Pack animals will assist other creatures of their social group if the friendly member is under attack. Pack animals will assist friendly targets up to 45 meters away.

Carnivore / Herbivore

Carnivorous creatures and herbivorous creatures are unique social groupings in the game which are antagonistic to one another. Both groups have a chance of attacking one another if the other gets within detection range. Carnivorous creatures place a high priority on attacking herbivorous creatures within their detection range.

Note: We should add some special aggression checks between carnivores and herbivore to mirror the natural stalking / defense behaviors of real-world counterparts.

Lair Healing

All creatures will heal their lair if it is directly attacked. Creatures place a high priority on healing the lair if its health falls below 90% and will not directly engage an enemy until the lair has been repaired. Creatures can heal 20% of the lair's total hitpoints per heal. After the repair is done, then the creatures will go after the attacker(s). In order for a creature to repair its lair it must first go to point blank range and then issue a heal. Healing the lair and then re-engaging the attacker takes approximately 5 seconds.

Lair Tethering

Creatures will stay within a 64 meter range from their lair or spawn point, although they do roam around anywhere in between these points. They will only leave this range in order to chase after a target, however when they disengage from that target, they will return to their spawn point of origin.

Resting Behavior

Many creatures can activate resting behaviors such as sitting or laying down. These behaviors are activated randomly and are allowed if the creature is not engaged with a target, or otherwise on alert having spotted a potential threat within its detection range.

Source References

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