Town NPC Mission Givers (Game Mechanics)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Town Based Mission Npcs

Town mission npcs always show up where there is a pair of two townsperson npcs. One npc acts as a NPC Mission Giver Herald, directing the player to the mission giver. Town mission npcs are also distinguishable by the rotating Blue Icon over their heads. Town based mission npcs act as a mission terminal for a specific sect of missions. A town based npc is randomly assigned one particular grouping of missions to give out when it is spawned and will continue with this set of missions until it is reset through a server spawn. As an example, a town npc may only give out recon missions. When a player interacts with the npc, the npc will issue the mission details through dialogue. If players reject the mission then the npc recycles the list and randomly selects another mission when the player goes through the proper dialogue again. Town mission npc lists are all neutral themed missions.

Note: The blue icon from mission npcs was removed between precu and the nge, however it still exists with some forms of static quests.

Obtaining Town NPC Missions

To obtain a mission from a town mission giving npc, the player needs to go through a series of dialogue interactions. The npc will issue the mission's description as part of its dialogue, then the player must choose to accept or reject it. Following agreeing to take on the mission, the npc uploads a randomly selected mission to the player's datapad from its private mission tab listing.

Town NPC Mission Types

Missions made available to town based npcs come from the following stf sources:

Delivery Missions

  • mission_deliver_neutral_easy_non_persistent_from_npc
  • mission_deliver_neutral_medium_non_persistent_from_npc
  • mission_deliver_neutral_hard_non_persistent_from_npc

Destroy Missions

  • mission_destroy_neutral_easy_creature_non_persistent_from_npc
  • mission_destroy_neutral_medium_creature_non_persistent_from_npc
  • mission_destroy_neutral_hard_creature_non_persistent_from_npc
  • mission_destroy_neutral_easy_npc_non_persistent_from_npc
  • mission_destroy_neutral_medium_npc_non_persistent_from_npc
  • mission_destroy_neutral_hard_npc_non_persistent_from_npc

Crafting Missions

  • mission_npc_crafting_neutral_easy

Dancer Missions

  • mission_npc_dancer_neutral_easy

Musician Missions

  • mission_npc_musician_neutral_easy

Hunter Missions

  • mission_npc_hunting_neutral_easy
  • mission_npc_hunting_neutral_medium
  • mission_npc_hunting_neutral_hard

Recon Missions

  • mission_npc_recon_neutral_easy
  • mission_npc_recon_neutral_medium
  • mission_npc_recon_neutral_hard

Survey Missions

  • mission_npc_survey_neutral_easy
  • survey_resource_names

Source References

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