Knight trials (Game Messages)
Related Tags
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Game Messages
This document refers to internal SWG Messages.
System Messages
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Message |
council_choice_delayed |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
internal_command_string |
You did not choose a Jedi council to join. When you are ready to decide, meditate at any force shrine and again the choice will be offered. |
council_chosen_dark |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
internal_command_string |
Your desire is to join the Dark Jedi council. Complete these battle trials and that desire will be within your grasp. |
council_chosen_light |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
internal_command_string |
Your chosen path is to join the Light Jedi council. Complete these battle trials and that pathway will open before you. |
knight_trials_progress |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
internal_command_string |
You have defeated your target and made progress in the Jedi Council battle trials. |
faction_wrong_dark |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
internal_command_string |
To become a Dark Jedi, you cannot be a member of the Rebel Alliance. You must revoke your status as a Rebel in order to continue. |
faction_wrong_light |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
internal_command_string |
To become a Light Jedi, you cannot be a member of the Empire. You must revoke your status as an Imperial in order to continue. |
SUI Prompt 1
Prompt 1: Knight Trials Intro Prompt
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
knight_trials_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Jedi Council Battle Trials |
knight_trials_intro_msg |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Greetings young Jedi, You have achieved a deep and unyielding connection to the Force. It is time that you learn of others like youself and join a reborn Jedi Order. The Emperor would have the galaxy believe that the Jedi are all but wiped out; that his vicious Jedi Purge wiped the Empire clean of all Jedi traditions and teachings. This is not so. Though they remain hidden, small enclaves of Jedi still struggle to survive. They have even formed the Hidden Council in remembrance of the great Jedi Council that once upheld peace and justice throughout the galaxy.
Your sensitivity to the Force has not gone unnoticed. The Hidden Council has felt your presence growing. They know of your great potential. Unfortunately, so too does the Dark Council...
Since the fall of the Jedi Order and the disappearance of Master Yoda and others of his great wisdom, an increasing number of Force wielders have succumbed to the dark side. These so-called "Dark Jedi" revel in destruction and seek only power. They have banded together to further their own evil ends, forming an enclave of their own where they plot against the rest of the galaxy.
The Hidden Council and its dark counterpart are vying against one another for control of the Force. Both seek to grow their ranks, but only the worthy shall gain entrance. As such, should you wish to join either enclave, you must display courage, might, and resourcefulness while battling a variety of adversaries. Accept the challenge and defeat each opponent set before you, and only then will you be invited to join one of these councils. During your journey, you will also be forced to choose between the path of the true Jedi, and the road to the dark side.
Will you undertake the Jedi trials? If so, journey to || ||
knight_trials_intro_msg_end |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
and find the Force shrine that will begin the battle trials. And may the Force be with you. |
button_close |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Close |
Prompt 2: Knight Trials Short Intro Prompt
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
knight_trials_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Jedi Council Battle Trials |
knight_trials_intro_shortened |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Greetings young Jedi. You have achieved a deep and unyielding connection to the Force. Your sensitivity to the Force has not gone unnoticed. It is time that you learn of others like you and join a reborn Jedi Order. The Hidden Council has felt your presence; they know of your potential. Unfortunately, so too does the Dark Council...
The Hidden Council and its dark counterpart are vying against one another for control of the Force. They both seek to grow their ranks, but seek only those deemed worthy. Should you wish to join either enclave, you must display courage, might, and resourcefulness while battling a variety of adversaries. Will you undertake these trials? If so, journey to || ||
knight_trials_intro_msg_end |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
and find the Force shrine that will begin the battle trials. And may the Force be with you. |
button_close |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Close |
Prompt 3: Knight Trials Original Intro Prompt
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
knight_trials_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Jedi Council Battle Trials |
knight_trials_intro_original |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Greetings young Jedi, You have achieved a deep and unyielding connection to the Force. It is time that you learn of others like youself and join a reborn Jedi Order. The Emperor would have the galaxy believe that the Jedi are all but wiped out; that his vicious Jedi Purge wiped the Empire clean of all Jedi traditions and teachings. This is not so. Though they remain hidden, small enclaves of Jedi still struggle to survive. They have even formed the Hidden Council in remembrance of the great Jedi Council that once upheld peace and justice throughout the galaxy.
Your sensitivity to the Force has not gone unnoticed. The Hidden Council has felt your presence growing. They know of your great potential. Unfortunately, so too does the Dark Council...
Since the fall of the Jedi Order and the disappearance of Master Yoda and others of his great wisdom, an increasing number of Force wielders have succumbed to the dark side. These so-called "Dark Jedi" revel in destruction and seek only power. They have banded together to further their own evil ends, forming an enclave of their own where they plot against the rest of the galaxy.
The Hidden Council and its dark counterpart are vying against one another for control of the Force. Both seek to grow their ranks, but only the worthy shall gain entrance. As such, should you wish to join either enclave, you must display courage, might, and resourcefulness while battling a variety of adversaries. Accept the challenge and defeat each opponent set before you, and only then will you be invited to join one of these councils. During your journey, you will also be forced to choose between the path of the true Jedi, and the road to the dark side.
Will you undertake the Jedi trials? If so, journey to
knight_trials_intro_msg_end |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
and find the Force shrine that will begin the battle trials. And may the Force be with you. |
button_close |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Close |
SUI Prompt 2
Prompt 4: Starting prompt for knight trials
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
force_shrine_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Meditating at a Force shrine... |
knight_trials_start_query |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
You are eligible to undertake the Jedi Council battle trials. Would you like to start them? |
button_no |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
No |
button_yes |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Yes |
Prompt 5: Voice Telling Shrine location
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
force_shrine_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Meditating at a Force shrine... |
knight_shrine_wrong |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
You will find the path you seek at another shrine on this planet. |
button_okay |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Okay |
Prompt 6: Voice Giving Reminder of Trial Eligibility
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
force_shrine_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Meditating at a Force shrine... |
knight_shrine_reminder |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Your path to begin the Jedi Council battle trials awaits you at a Force shrine on %TO. |
button_okay |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Okay |
SUI Prompt 3
Prompt 7: Kill Tusken Raiders
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
force_shrine_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Meditating at a Force shrine... |
tusken_raider |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Defeat nineteen Tusken Raiders from Tatooine. Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress. Tusken Raiders defeated: |
button_okay |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Okay |
Prompt 8: Kill Ancient Bull Rancor
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
force_shrine_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Meditating at a Force shrine... |
ancient_bull_rancor |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Defeat eight ancient bull rancors of Dathomir. Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress. Ancient bull rancors defeated: |
button_okay |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Okay |
Prompt 9: Kill Stintaril Prowler
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
force_shrine_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Meditating at a Force shrine... |
stintaril_prowler |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Defeat eight stintaril prowlers of Yavin 4. Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress. Stintaril prowlers defeated: |
button_okay |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Okay |
Prompt 10: Kill Blurgg Raptor
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
force_shrine_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Meditating at a Force shrine... |
blurrg_raptor |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Defeat three blurrg raptors of Endor. Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress. Blurrg raptors defeated: |
button_okay |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Okay |
Prompt 11: Kill Enraged Kimogila
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
force_shrine_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Meditating at a Force shrine... |
enraged_kimogila |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Defeat three enraged kimogilas of Lok. Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress. Enraged kimogilas defeated: |
button_okay |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Okay |
Prompt 12: Kill Peko Peko Albatross
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
force_shrine_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Meditating at a Force shrine... |
peko_peko_albatross |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Defeat two peko peko albatrosses of Naboo. Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress. Peko peko albatrosses defeated: |
button_okay |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Okay |
Prompt 13: Kill Graul Marauder
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
force_shrine_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Meditating at a Force shrine... |
graul_marauder |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Defeat two graul marauders of Dantooine. Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress. Graul marauders defeated: |
button_okay |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Okay |
Prompt 14: Proceed To next Trial Prompt
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
knight_trials_next_trial_title |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Finding your next battle trial... |
knight_trials_next_trial_msg |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Well done! This Jedi Council battle trial is complete. To learn what will next be asked of you, journey to another part of the galaxy where a Force shrine awaits you on |
knight_trials_next_trial_msg_end |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
. When you find that shrine and meditate at it, your battle trials will continue. |
button_okay |
/string/en/ |
jedi_trials.stf |
Internal SUI label |
Okay |
SUI Prompt 4
Prompt 15: Select Dark or Light Path
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
The Force has drawn you here and a choice must now be made.
Will you follow the Light Side of the Force? Serenity, peace, and knowledge.
Or will you follow the Dark Side of the Force? Passion, emotion, and power.
Internal SUI label
Internal SUI label
Dark Jedi Council
Internal SUI label
Light Jedi Council
Prompt 17: Cant be Rebel if Joining Dark Side
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
If you wish to join the Dark Side, you cannot be a member of the Rebel Alliance. You must choose to join the Light Side or you must revoke your status as a Rebel in order to join the Dark Side.
Meditate at any Force shrine to again make a choice.
Internal SUI label
Prompt 18: Can't be Imperial if joining Light Side
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
If you wish to join the Light Side, you cannot be a member of the Empire. You must choose to join the Dark Side or you must revoke your status as an Imperial in order to join the Light Side.
Meditate at any Force shrine to again make a choice.
Internal SUI label
SUI Prompt 5
Prompt 19: Kill Rebel Commandos
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
Well done! This trial is complete. Your next battle trial awaits.
Internal SUI label
Though Jedi are universally hunted by Imperial forces, members of the Dark Council have chosen to align themselves with the Empire. Their hope is to show that they are worthy allies to the Empire. Or such is their claim... Few know the true nature of their ambition.
As one who has chosen to pursue the dark side, your next battle trial is to hunt and kill Rebel commandos. When 47 Rebel Commandos have fallen to you, this battle trial will be complete.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress.
Rebel Commandos killed:
Internal SUI label
Prompt 20: Kill Stormtrooper Commandos
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
Well done! This trial is complete. Your next battle trial awaits.
Internal SUI label
The Hidden Council offers support to the Rebel Alliance whenever possible, though it is rare that any members of the Alliance actually know that the council even exists.
Be that as it may, as one who aspires to join the Hidden Council, your next trial is to strike a blow against the Empire. When you have defeated 47 Stormtrooper Commandos, this battle trial will be complete.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress.
Stormtrooper Commandos defeated:
Internal SUI label
Prompt 21: Kill Rebel General
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
Well done! This trial is complete. Your next battle trial awaits.
Internal SUI label
Your next trial is to strike at the leadership of Rebel Alliance troops. By sowing confusion and chaos among their troops, the Rebels will be less prepared to stand against the Empire. You will do this by killing 22 Rebel officers. Your targets are Rebel Generals, Rebel High Generals, and Rebel Surface Marshals.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress.
Rebel officers killed:
Internal SUI label
Prompt 22: Kill Imperial General
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
Well done! This trial is complete. Your next battle trial awaits.
Internal SUI label
By causing turmoil among the leaders of Imperial forces, you can stall their efforts and save the lives of Rebel soldiers and innocent civilians. Achieve this by defeating 22 Imperial officers. Your targets are Imperial Generals, Imperial High Generals, and Imperial Surface Marshals.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress.
Imperial officers defeated:
Internal SUI label
Prompt 23: Kill Rebel Rear Admiral
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
Well done! This trial is complete. Your next battle trial awaits.
Internal SUI label
The Rebel Alliance is known to use Corellian corvettes as mobile bases for the gathering of military intelligence and to coordinate the movement of Rebel forces. Infiltrate these Rebel Corellian corvettes and kill four Rebel Rear Admirals.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress.
Rebel Rear Admirals killed:
Internal SUI label
Prompt 24: Kill Elite Novatrooper Commander
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
Well done! This trial is complete. Your next battle trial awaits.
Internal SUI label
Imperial forces are known to have captured many Alliance corvettes. Highly trained Novatroopers are the primary Imperial troops used to board and take control of Rebel starships. Infiltrate an Imperial controlled Corellian corvette and defeat four Elite Novatrooper Commanders. You will recognize an Elite Novatrooper Commander by their black armor with a golden pauldron.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress.
Elite Novatrooper Commanders defeated:
Internal SUI label
Prompt 25: Kill Acklay
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
[A voice you cannot identify speaks to you]
Internal SUI label
Defeat an acklay from the Geonosian bunker on Yavin 4.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message.
Internal SUI label
Prompt 26: Kill Night Sister Elder
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
[A voice you cannot identify speaks to you]
Internal SUI label
Defeat a Nightsister elder of Dathomir.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message.
Internal SUI label
Prompt 27: Kill Kiin'Dray
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
[A voice you cannot identify speaks to you]
Internal SUI label
Defeat the giant gaping spider of Dathomir known as Kiin'Dray.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message.
Internal SUI label
Prompt 28: Kill Giant Canyon Krayt Dragon
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
[A voice you cannot identify speaks to you]
Internal SUI label
Defeat a giant canyon krayt dragon from Tatooine.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message.
Internal SUI label
Prompt 29: Kill Super Battle Droid
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
[A voice you cannot identify speaks to you]
Internal SUI label
Defeat two super battle droids on a Corellian corvette.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message as well as reveal your current progress.
Super battle droids defeated:
Internal SUI label
Prompt 30: Kill Death Watch Overlord
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Meditating at a Force shrine...
Internal SUI label
[A voice you cannot identify speaks to you]
Internal SUI label
Defeat a Death Watch Overlord from the Death Watch compound on Endor.
Meditating at any Force shrine will repeat this message.
Internal SUI label
SUI Prompt 6
Prompt 31: Completed Dark Side Trials
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Jedi Council Battle Trials
Internal SUI label
Impressive. You have pleased your masters on the Dark Council and have been accepted into their ranks. They reward you with the title of Jedi Knight. So that others will learn to fear you, you have also been given a Jedi Knight robe.
The Dark Council believes in domination through the dark side. Their enclave is on Yavin 4, and a waypoint to that enclave has been uploaded to your datapad.
May the Force be yours without fear, compromise, or mercy.
Internal SUI label
Prompt 32: Completed Light Side Trials
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Jedi Council Battle Trials
Internal SUI label
Congratulations, you have completed the Hidden Council's trials and are now a member of that esteemed group! In doing so, you also have achieved the title of Jedi Knight and have been given a Jedi Knight robe!
The Hidden Council is a noble order of protectors unified by their belief and observance of the Force. Their enclave is on Yavin 4, and a waypoint to that enclave has been uploaded to your datapad.
May the Force guide you and be with you.
Internal SUI label
Prompt 33: Ineligible for trials
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Jedi Council Battle Trials
Internal SUI label
You no longer meet the requirements for being in the Jedi Council battle trials and are therefore in danger of being disqualified from continuing.
If you wish to retain your current progress, you must once again be eligible for the Jedi Council battle trials before completing your current trial.
Internal SUI label
Prompt 34: Removed From Trials
ID |
Path |
Filename |
Trigger |
Window Title |
Window Description |
SUI Button Label |
Window Contents
Internal SUI label
Jedi Council Battle Trials
Internal SUI label
You no longer meet the requirements for being in the Jedi Council battle trials and are therefore expelled from them.
Should you again meet these requirements in the future, you may restart the Jedi Council battle trials at that time.
Internal SUI label