Harvester Operation (Game Mechanics)

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Game Mechanics - Mechanics Category

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Game Mechanics

In order for a harvester to collect resources, it must first be turned on. To turn on a harvester the player must choose the Operate Machinery radial option in the structure management radial menu. Upon doing this they will be brought up to the operate machinery SUI Window and must choose a resource to harvest. Once a resource has been selected a harvester may now be turned on. Turning The harvester On will start the resource harvesting process. The player may view useful information such as how much resource is extracted per minute of operation of the harvester on the operate machinery window and looking at the Actual vs Spec rating on the harvester.

Harvester Extraction rates are the amount of resource that is gained per each minute of operation on the machine. The extraction rating is:

Output per minute = Extraction rate in kg/h * density %

Example: A medium mineral harvester with an extraction rate of 6 kg on a 75% aluminum density will give you:

(6 * 0.75) = 270 units per hour production or 6480 per day

The Actual rating represents the Base Extraction Rating that the harvester has on that particular concentration point for the resource selected. The Spec rate is the Base Extraction Rating that the harvester can give per minute of operation if the concentration point was at 100%. The actual rate is always listed based off of the resource concentration percentage of the base extraction rating. The integerity section of the window represents the harvester's condition hitpoin value as a percentage and the capacity represents the hopper contents as a percentage of maximum storage capacity.

Harvesters can be turned on through several means:

  • Clicking the Turn harvester On Button
  • Selecting harvester and issuing a /harvesterActivate command

harvesters are turned off through several means:

  • Clicking the Turn harvester Off Button
  • Selecting harvester and issuing a /harvesterDeactivate command
  • Harvester's hopper fills up
  • Harvester's Power Runs out
  • Harvester's selected resource shifts out

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