Factory Add Schematic (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Message Category

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Factory Add Schematic (Game Messages)

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75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Notes Examples
no_schematic_examine_prompt /string/en/ manf_station.stf internal_command_string There is no schematic being used in this station. Patch 12 Examples
schematic_added /string/en/ manf_station.stf internal_command_string Schematic %TT has been inserted into the station. The station is now ready to manufacture items. Patch 12 Examples
schematic_not_added /string/en/ manf_station.stf internal_command_string Schematic %TT was not added to the station. Patch 12 Examples
schematic_removed /string/en/ manf_station.stf internal_command_string Schematic %TT has been removed from the station and been placed in your datapad. Have a nice day! Patch 12 Examples
schematic_not_removed /string/en/ manf_station.stf internal_command_string Schematic %TT was not removed from the station. Patch 12 Examples
no_valid_schematic /string/en/ manf_station.stf internal_command_string Warning: you do not have a draft schematic that can be used in this station. Patch 12 Examples
manf_error_1 /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string No schematic for station, please file a bug report. Patch 12 Examples
manf_error_3 /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string No schematic found when trying to create an object, please file a bug report. Patch 12 Examples
manf_error_4 /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string Manufacturing station found a schematic with a count of <= 0 when trying to create an object, please file a bug report. Patch 12 Examples
manf_schematic_unuseable /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string The schematic %TT is no longer used by the game and should be removed from your inventory. Patch 12 Examples
manf_schematic_error /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string Schematic Error Patch 12 Examples
manf_schematic_generic_component /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string The schematic %TT is unusable, due to being made with a generic component. Patch 12 Examples