General Loot Notifications (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Message Category

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General Loot Notifications (Game Messages)

Related Tags

75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Body Notes Examples
full_inventory /string/en/ group.stf internal_command_string %TT has a full inventory and cannot loot %TO. Message given to the group when a player who has a full inventory attempts to loot an item. This possibly has a range limit for which the group members will be notified. Example
group_only /string/en/ group.stf internal_command_string You can only set or check group looting options if you are in a group. Message a player gets if they attempt to use or change group options without first being in a group. Example
leader_only /string/en/ group.stf internal_command_string Only the Group Leader can set the looting options. Message a non group leader player in a group gets if they attempt to change the /groupLoot options. Example
no_loot_group /string/en/ group.stf internal_command_string You cannot use the Loot All option because you are in a group. (Unknown)
no_loot_permission /string/en/ group.stf internal_command_string You can not loot that. (Unknown)
problem_transferring /string/en/ group.stf internal_command_string There was a problem transferring items to your inventory. You may pick them up from the corpse. (Unknown)
unable_to_transfer /string/en/ group.stf internal_command_string Unable to transfer %TO to %TT. The item is available on the corpse for %TT to retrieve. (Unknown)
you_are_full /string/en/ group.stf internal_command_string Your Inventory is full. (Unknown)
loot_item_other /string/en/ spam.stf internal_command_string %TU looted %TT from %TO. (Unknown)
loot_item_self /string/en/ spam.stf internal_command_string You loot %TU from %TT. Example
solo_looted /string/en/ loot_n.stf internal_command_string You looted %TO from the corpse. Message a player gets while they are solo and ungrouped and loot an item from a corpse using /loot and the Pickup radial option on the item. Example
corpse_looted /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string You have completely looted the corpse of all items. Message a player gets when they use the Loot All command to loot a corpse and then successfully retrieve the entirety of the contents remaining on it. Example
prose_item_looted_other /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string %TU looted: %TT. (Unknown)
prose_item_looted_self /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string You looted: %TT. (Unknown)
corpse_empty /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You find nothing else of value on the selected corpse. Message that a player gets when they attempt to loot a corpse that has no items on it. Example
no_corpse_permission /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You do not have permission to access this corpse. Message that a player gets if they are attempting to loot a corpse of another player's kill to which they have no loot rights to. Example
cannot_loot_all /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You were unable to loot everything on the corpse. (Unknown)
prose_incomplete_loot /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You were unable to loot %DI item(s) from %TT. Message that a player gets when they attempt to loot a corpse but have a full inventory or if they only partially loot it. The message will display all remaining items on the corpse. Example