News network terminals (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - News network terminals

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GCW News network terminals (Game Messages)

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75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Prompt Notes
ID Value /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string System Message Text Prompt Number

Object Title

ID Path Filename Trigger Name Prompt Notes
newsnet_extra /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string EXTRA! EXTRA! Prompt Number
newsnet_terminal /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string Newsnet Terminal Prompt Number
newsnet_read_a;; /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOU T IT! Prompt Number

SUI Prompt

Prompt 1: Corellia News

All SUI prompts here follow the same pattern, so I am just displaying an example and then listing the description contents in a seperate table.

ID Path Filename Trigger Window Title Window Description Button1 Label Button2 Label Window Contents
corellia_newsnet_name /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Corellia Metropolitan
/string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label News Dialogue Here
Internal SUI label OK
ID Path Filename Trigger Window Title Window Description Button1 Label Button2 Label Window Contents
headline_corellia_rebel_losing_1 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebel Forces Suffer Setback Coronet, Corellia (CP) -- Rebel forces suffered a setback at Imperial hands today. 3 are dead and 12 wounded in fierce fighting.
headline_corellia_rebel_losing_2 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Imperial Leaders Optimistic Theed, Naboo (CP) -- Imperial Leaders are optimistic today, indicating that fighting against the Rebels has taken a turn to their advantage.
headline_corellia_rebel_losing_3 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebel Forces Fear No End In Sight Coronet, Corellia (CP) -- Rebel forces fear the fight against the Empire may continue indefinitely. Hope for a cease fire vanished last week.
headline_corellia_rebel_losing_4 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebel Forces Devastated! Coronet, Corellia (CP) -- Rebel forces suffered devastating casualties this week in an Imperial attack. Casualties were unusually high, indicating a failure in Rebellion intelligence.
story_corellia_rebel_losing_1 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Coronet, Corellia (CP) -- Rebel forces suffered a setback at Imperial hands today. 34 are reported dead and 95 wounded in fierce fighting.
headline_corellia_equal /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Peaceful Solution May Be On Horizon Coronet, Corellia (CP) -- Information coming

from Naboo today indicates that a peacful solution to the fighting may be closer than we think.|| || ||

headline_corellia_rebel_winning_1 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Imperial Units Continue Deployment Theed, Naboo (CP) -- Imperial forces continued deployment, undeterred, even in the face of increased casualties this week. Morale remains mixed with the recent casualties.
headline_corellia_rebel_winning_2 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Imperial Leaders Concerned Over Losses Theed, Naboo (CP) -- Imperial leaders are concerned over recent casualties. Logistical and supply failures this week have led to increased losses amongst Imperial forces.
headline_corellia_rebel_winning_3 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Imperial Leaders Unhappy With Progress Theed, Naboo (CP) -- Imperial leaders are unhappy with progress against the Rebellion. Numerous unnamed sources have voiced concerns that more troops are needed.
headline_corellia_rebel_winning_4 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Ex-Senator Calls For Troop Exit Plan Theed, Naboo (CP) -- Recent heavy Imperial losses have led senator Mcnamara to call for a full troop withdrawal from the Rebel conflict. 'We must protect the lives of our soldiers from these terrorist attacks.'

SUI Prompt 2

Prompt 2: Nabooian News

All SUI prompts here follow the same pattern, so I am just displaying an example and then listing the description contents in a seperate table.

ID Path Filename Trigger Window Title Window Description Button1 Label Button2 Label Window Contents
naboo_newsnet_name /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label The Nabooian Citizen
/string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label News Dialogue Here
Internal SUI label OK
ID Path Filename Trigger Window Title Window Description Button1 Label Button2 Label Window Contents
headline_naboo_rebel_losing_1 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Tide Turns Against Rebel Agitators Theed, Naboo (IP) -- Agitators and threats to Galactic security. That's what the Imperial Soldiers are calling the now thousands strong 'Alliance'.
headline_naboo_rebel_losing_2 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebel Terrorists Suffer Serious Defeat Theed, Naboo (IP) -- Imperial Officers promoted hundreds of soldiers today, following fierce fighting in which the Imperial Army overwhelmed a Rebel garrison.
headline_naboo_rebel_losing_3 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebel Terrorist Forces Dwindling Moenia, Naboo (IP) -- Reports from outlying systems today indicate that the vast majority of Rebel soldiers are abandoning their posts in an attempt to escape the Imperial onslaught.
headline_naboo_rebel_losing_4 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Imperial Forces Plan Celebration Theed, Naboo (IP) -- Imperial Officers got to plan something different today, a party. After months of battle, they finally get to turn their attention to more relaxing matters.
headline_naboo_equal /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label War Continues, Emperor Confidant Theed, Naboo (IP) -- The Emperor enjoyed a quiet day at his retreat on Naboo today, taking a break from military matters. "He's confidant that the conflict will be resolved equitably".
headline_naboo_rebel_winning_1 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Lord Vader Leads Forces Personally Theed, Naboo (IP) -- It has come to this. Lord Vader himself is moving his personal troops to the front lines to break up the Rebel assaults.
headline_naboo_rebel_winning_2 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Imperial Losses Due To Treason!

Theed, Naboo (IP) -- Old Republic Supporters are being blamed for what can only be described as a military fiasco. Information about troop movement was leaked to Rebel terrorists by unknown insurgents.|| || ||

headline_naboo_rebel_winning_3 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebel Forces Building Super Weapon? Moenia, Naboo (IP) -- Information gathered from captured Rebel Pilots indicates that the Rebels are working on some kind of 'Super Laser' capable of planetary destruction.
headline_naboo_rebel_winning_4 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebel Terrorists Spread Disinformation! Theed, Naboo (IP) -- Information about the fighting going on in distant systems is not entirely accurate. Rebel spies are planting disinformation on Imperial newsnet terminals in an attempt to discredit the Empire.

SUI Prompt 3

Prompt 3: Tatooine News

All SUI prompts here follow the same pattern, so I am just displaying an example and then listing the description contents in a seperate table.

ID Path Filename Trigger Window Title Window Description Button1 Label Button2 Label Window Contents
general_newsnet_name /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label The Times
/string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label News Dialogue Here
Internal SUI label OK
ID Path Filename Trigger Window Title Window Description Button1 Label Button2 Label Window Contents
headline_general_rebel_losing_1 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebellion Puts Out Call For Enlistees Coronet, Corellia (IP) -- Rebellion spokesmen released another statement yesterday requesting able bodied citizens to enlist in the fight against the Empire.
headline_general_rebel_losing_2 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebel Leaders Losing Confidence Coronet, Corellia (IP) -- Rebellion leaders, speaking under conditions of anonymity, spoke frankly about recent failures in the fight against the Empire.
headline_general_rebel_losing_3 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Imperial Senate Happy With War Progress Theed, Naboo (IP) -- Rebellion leaders, speaking under conditions of anonymity, spoke frankly about recent failures in the fight against the Empire.
headline_general_rebel_losing_4 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Imperial Victory Assured Mos Espa, Tatooine (IP) -- Imperial Officers today declared through official channels that the battle with the Rebellion is about to end.
headline_general_equal /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Worrt Invasion Leaves Homeowners Hopping Mad Mos Espa, Tatooine (IP) -- KROAAAK! Mos Espa homeowners awoke to an unpleasant surprise last week. Local Worrt populations have spiraled out of control in recent weeks.
headline_general_rebel_winning_1 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Imperial Fleet Suffers Defeat Mos Eisley, Tatooine (IP) -- Rumors over the past few days indicated that a team of Alliance pilots, flying with no air support, destroyed a Super Star Destroyer in orbit around Tatooine.
headline_general_rebel_winning_2 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Imperial Forces Lose Ground Mos Espa, Tatooine (IP) -- Imperial Forces were stunned today, after a serious defeat at the hands of what amounted to 'poorly armed partisan soldiers'.
headline_general_rebel_winning_3 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebel Forces Optimistic Mos Espa, Tatooine (IP) -- With a series of incredible victories over a superior army, Rebel supporters are becoming more and more optimistic.
headline_general_rebel_winning_4 /string/en/ gcw.stf Internal SUI label Rebel Victory Near Mos Taike, Tatooine (IP) -- "We look forward to a peace accord, signed by the Emperor himself." These were the words of a Rebel General who spoke off the record to reporters.


ID Path Filename Trigger Message Prompt Notes
read_headline /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string Read Headline Prompt Number Example
examine /string/en/ ui_radial.stf internal_command_string Examine Prompt Number Example