Dismount (Game Messages)

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Dismount (Game Messages)

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75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Notes Examples
dismounting /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Dismounting now. Patch 14 Examples

no_entry_while_mounted /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string You cannot enter a structure while on your mount. Patch 14 Examples
cant_dismount /string/en/pet/ pet_menu.stf internal_command_string You cannot dismount anything at the moment. Patch 14 Examples
jetpack_dismount /string/en/pet/ pet_menu.stf internal_command_string You have been dismounted from the jetpack, and it has been stored. Patch 14 Examples


Pets have a timer of which you cannot store them after they are in combat.

You stand up.
You cannot STORE for 39 seconds.
You cannot STORE for 18 seconds.

This is what we have to offer." Okip (an Imperial Major) says to Meskirr Omoere.
You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call.
You already have too much under your command.
Okip (an Imperial Major) says to Meskirr Omoere, "Hello, Staff Corporal. What would you like to do?"
The group has been disbanded.
Okip (an Imperial Major) says to Meskirr Omoere, "This is what we have to offer."
You have lost 462 points of Imperial faction standing!
The storm commando is now under your command.

A control device has been added to your datapad.