Droid Vitality Healing (Game Mechanics)

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Droid Vitality Healing Mechanics

Just like players, pets are incapacitated when one of their Health, Action, or Mind bars reaches zero. At this point, an enemy can execute a "coup de grace" (a.k.a. "deathblow") to kill the pet. All pets have a statistic called "Vitality" that starts at 100/100 and decreases each time they receive a deathblow. When the vitality reaches 75, the pet will suffer a reduction of 25% of its max HAM, leaving it with 75% of its regular life. At 50, a 50% reduction is applied, and at 25, a 75% reduction is applied. A pet cannot be permanently slain and can survive with 0 vitality.

While you can restore some of the lost vitality with a Bio-Engineer's Pet Vitality Medpack, doing so will decrease the maximum vitality. Thus, if a pet is killed enough it will eventually reach a point at which its stat loss cannot be recovered.

There are two ways to do this: activating the "Use Vitality Pack" option by selecting your pet in the datapad, and by targeting your called pet and double-clicking the vitality pack in your inventory. Both methods work; however, if you have multiple vitality packs of varying strengths in your inventory, you should probably use the second method (or the game will choose for you).

What do vitality packs do?

The only purpose of a vitality pack is to restore lost vitality, though some vitality will be permanently lost as a result. Depending on how much vitality your pet has lost and the strength of the vitality pack you are using, you may see anywhere from 1 to 20 points of permanent vitality lost. For example, lets say your pet is at 92/100 vitality - you purchase and apply a 13+ vitality pack A. Your pet should then have 99/99 vitality, a gain of 7 vitality - but also a permanent loss of 1 overall vitality.

How do vitality packs work?

There are a number of common misconceptions about vitality packs, such as "you will only lose 1 point as long as the pack�s strength is the same or higher than the current vitality lost," "1 point of permanent loss per 10 points of current vitality loss," and "if you use a strong enough vitality pack you can avoid any permanent loss."

I do not have an equation for you , but what I can provide for you is a guideline for minimizing permanent vitality loss for common ranges.

So what type of vitality pack should I use, and when?

Overall, the most efficient means is to use vitality packs sparingly, and to use the most powerful range you can afford or find.

13-38pt Vitality Pack (A or a low quality B):

Up to 8 lost vitality points restored with minimal loss*

50-70pt Vitality Pack (mid to high B or a low-mid quality C):

Up to 18 lost vitality points restored with minimal loss*

75-100pt Vitality Pack (mid to high C):

Up to 28 lost vitality points restored with minimal loss*

  • The max ranges listed above are the most you can heal with that type of vitpack before you begin losing 2 or 3 vitality (or more). So, for instance, if you use a vitpack C at 72/100 vitality, your pet should have 99/99 afterward. However, at 70/100 (30 loss), the vitpack will only restore it to 98/98. It is also important to note that there is no noticeable difference in loss over these ranges - a 13pt A will be just as effective as a 38pt A in this range.**

Does the type of vitality pack matter?

No, it does not - a 38 strength B will restore the same amount as a 38 strength A. However, each type of pack has a limit to how high (and low) it can go in strength. For instance, a top-notch vitality pack A maxes out at around 38 strength, while a mediocre B can be 45-50 or more.

Will my pet lose more vitality if his max is lower (i.e. 82/90)?

No, the only important factors are the current amount lost, and the strength of the pack you are intending to use. See the raw data for more info on this.

Q: What happens when I use a vitality pack that is lower than my pet�s current lost vitality?

Your pet will be fully restored to a new permanent vitality, but the penalty for this tends to be quite high (up to ~20 pts). See the raw data for some examples.

Q: My pet lost 50 vitality. Can I use two vitality packs, one after the other, to heal him?

No. The first pack you use will do the job, even if the pack is not strong enough, but you will suffer additional vitality loss.

Can I use a vitality pack more than once?

A: No, all vitality packs are one use only.

Vitality Pack Statistics

Below are results from tests done on pets while using various types of vitality packs.

Vitality Max Vitality Difference Res. Max Vit Lost Strength Used Type Str - Diff
92 100 8 99 1 80 C 72
97 99 2 98 1 80 C 78
20 100 80 95 5 80 C 0
96 100 4 99 1 80 C 76
20 100 80 84 16 37 A -43
74 100 26 99 1 80 C 54
74 100 26 95 5 37 A 11
73 99 26 97 2 61 B 35
66 100 34 93 7 51 B 17
90 100 10 98 2 37 A 27
82 100 18 99 1 92 C 74
74 100 26 98 2 62 B 36
74 100 26 95 5 49 B 23
74 100 26 99 1 92 C 66
79 99 20 95 4 38 A 18
78 98 20 94 4 37 B 17
75 95 20 91 4 27 B 7
74 94 20 90 4 23 A 3
53 95 42 93 2 92 C 50
61 91 30 89 2 92 C 62
63 89 26 88 1 92 C 66
62 90 28 89 1 92 C 64
53 93 40 91 2 92 C 52
33 89 56 86 3 92 C 36
40 88 48 85 3 92 C 44
47 91 44 89 2 92 C 48
40 86 46 83 3 92 C 46
69 89 20 87 2 60 B 40
51 85 34 82 3 60 B 26
81 83 2 82 1 31 A 29
81 87 6 86 1 31 A 25
74 82 8 81 1 31 A 23
76 86 10 84 2 31 A 21
55 81 26 79 2 71 C 45
56 82 26 81 1 77 C 51
58 84 26 83 1 75 C 49
69 79 10 77 2 38 A 28
73 83 10 81 2 41 B 31
71 81 10 79 2 44 B 34
67 77 10 75 2 46 B 36
71 81 10 80 1 50 B 40
70 80 10 78 2 48 B 38
67 75 8 74 1 22 A 14
71 79 8 78 1 17 A 9
70 78 8 77 1 13 A 5
60 78 18 77 1 65 B 47
56 74 18 73 1 58 B 40
59 77 18 74 3 49 B 31
59 77 18 76 1 52 B 34
55 73 18 72 1 50 B 32
54 74 20 72 2 65 B 45
46 76 30 73 3 65 B 35
42 72 30 66 6 38 A 8
42 72 30 66 6 20 A -10
43 73 30 67 6 35 B 5
50 66 16 63 3 25 A 9
0 100 100 94 6 92 C -8
0 100 100 90 10 50 B -50
0 100 100 80 20 13 A -87
52 80 28 79 1 80 C 52
68 94 26 93 1 79 C 53
62 90 28 89 1 75 C 47
57 79 22 75 4 25 A 3

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