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== Faction Reactions ==
== Faction Reactions ==
If an npc is within a detection range of any combat occuring involving a friendly player or allied faction member or allied faction group then the npc will assist in the fight.
==Source References==
==Source References==

Revision as of 04:27, 21 July 2009

Game Mechanics - Mechanics Category

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Template (Game Messages)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

System Messages

NPC Faction Messages

Game Mechanics

If a player opens their Character Sheet (CTRL+ C key), they will see 3 tabs: Status, Personal and Factions. If the player looks at the Factions tab, it will give a list of all the factions that they have affected and their standings with that faction.

A player's faction standing will be a number ranging from 5000 to -5000 and this number represents how NPC's will react to the player depending on the number rating in your Factions standing window. The lower the number, the more hostile they will be towards them. The higher the number, the more they consider a player to be an ally. To raise or lower Faction standings with any faction group ("Faction Name" column), players must kill faction enemies to gain their support (the factions listed in the "Faction Enemy" column).

There are two kinds of npcs in the world; those npcs that are aggressive by default and those that are non aggressive by default. These NPCs have three ranges by which they classify their relations with players; Like, Dislike and Hate. These relationship gauges represent a scale where the player must meet a certain criteria in order to solicit certain behaviors from npcs. These scales vary based on which type of npc the player is facing. Aggressive npcs take more faction to like the player than those npcs that are non aggressive by default. The range of the values are as follows:

Note: Aggressive npcs will aggro a player unless they Like the player. Non aggressive npcs will only aggro a player if they Hate them. The only exceptions to the Non Aggressive npc rule are thugs and bandit factions which act like Aggressive npcs.

Non Aggressive

  • Like: 3000:5000
  • Dislike -2999:2999
  • Hate: -5000:-3000


  • Like: 3000:5000
  • Dislike -2999:2999
  • Hate: -5000:-3000

Faction Point Gain

When a player kills a member of a faction, they receive a faction loss of:

(10 x Challenge Level of Target)

The faction points received by the player for the enemies of the npc killed are:

( (10 x Challenge Level of Target) / 2 )

Faction Reactions

If an npc is within a detection range of any combat occuring involving a friendly player or allied faction member or allied faction group then the npc will assist in the fight.

Source References

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