Food Crafting (Game Mechanics)

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Food Crafting Mechanics

In this section, I cover all of the Artisan and Chef food schematics and what lines need to be experimented on. This Section covers only experimentation and how it will effect item's production. Artisan items use artisan experimentation points and Chef schematics use Food experimentation points.

The experimentation categories for food are "Filling " which reduces the amount a food adds to the food or drink stomach, "Flavor" which improves duration, "Nutrition" which increases the buff size, and "Quantity" which increases the number of doses in the stack.

Additives, and Biological Components

Most foods have an optional Additive slot. These are not required, but do add additional benifits to foods. The slots are filled by Additive components, craftable at Domestic Arts IV (Light Additive), Novice Chef (Medium Additive), and Master Chef (Heavy Additive). Each additive is made from water and a "food bio component" created by a Bio-Engineer.

Biological components come in four types, one for each experimentation category. Each type has three sizes: Light, Medium, and Heavy. These sizes match up with the Light/Medium/Heavy additives craftable by chefs. Each component (or tissue) can only be used in an additive of the same size: a Light tissue in a Light additive, Medium tissue in a Medium additive, etc. However, a food can take any additive equal to or smaller than the size of the slot in the schematic. So an Air Cake can only accept a Light Additive. A Veghash can take either a Medium Additive (indicated in its schematic) or a Light Additive. A Breath of Heaven can take a Heavy, Medium, or Light additive.

The stats on the biological components is a percentage increase (or decrease if its for filling) of the filling, duration, buff size, or quantity size you get after experimentation. So if the buff size is normally +200 with 25% experimentation, making that food with a 75 Nutrition additive would make the buff size 200 + 200 * 0.75 = +350 at 25% experimentation. Duration and quantity act the same way (being rounded as necessary). A Filling additive subtracts from the filling, so a normally 40 Filling food with a 35 Filling additive would end up with 40 - 40 * 0.35 = 26 Filling.

Finally, not all foods have all three experimentation categories. Instant-effect foods and foods that trigger once don't have a "Flavor" category. Foods of that type wouldn't benefit from using a "Flavor" additive. Check whether there's actually something for the additive to improve before putting one in.

Item Categories:

Artisan Items:

Artisan Food Components
Artisan Stat Buff Foods
Artisan Skill Enhancement Foods
Artisan Special Effect Foods

Chef Items:

Chef Food Components
Chef Stat Buff Foods
Chef Skill Enhancement Foods
Chef Special Effect foods

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