Chef Special Effect foods (Game Mechanics)

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Chef Special Effect Food Experimentation Mechanics

Items Affected


1. Air Cake
2. Blood Chowder
3. Cavaellin Creams
4. Citros Snow Cake
5. Cho-Nor-Hoola
6. Deneelian Fizz Pudding
7. Gorrnar
8. Havla
9. Karkan Ribenes
10. Ormachek
11. Parwan Nutricake
12. Pikatta Pie
13. Pyollian Cake
14. Smuggler's Delight
15. Synthsteak
16. Trimpian


1. Bespin Port
2. Blue Milk
3. Flameout
4. T'illa-T'iil
5. T'ssolok

Experimentation Lines

These items have 4 lines of experimentation.

1. Experimental Filling
2. Experimental Flavor
3. Experimental Nutritional Value
4. Experimental Quantity

Experimental Filling

1. The Experimental Filling line for Flameout, T'ssolok, Trimpian, Synthsteak, Pikatta Pie, Parwan Nutricake, Ormachek, Havla, Deenelian Fizz Pudding, Cho-Nor-Hoola, Citros Snow Cake, Blood Chowder, Air Cake depends on 75% DR and 25% OQ. Experimentation on this line will decrease the Stomach Filling (Drink) and Stomach Filling (Food) attributes for these items.

2. The Experimental Filling line for Bespin Port, Blue Milk, Smuggler's Delight, Pyollian Cake, Karkan Ribenes, Gorrnar depends on 66% FL and 33% OQ. Experimentation on this line will decrease the Stomach Filling (Drink) and Stomach Filling (Food) attributes for these items.

3. The Experimental Filling line for T'iila-T'iil, Cavaellin Creams depends on 33% DR and 66% FL. Experimentation on this line will decrease the Stomach Filling (Drink) and Stomach Filling (Food) attributes for these items.

Experimental Flavor

1. The Experimental Flavor line for Flameout, Trimpian, Pikatta Pie, Blood Chowder depends on 33% DR and 66% FL. Experimentation on this line will increase the Duration and # of Attacks Affected attributes for these items.

2. The Experimental Flavor line for T'ssolok,Synthsteak, Parwan Nutricake, Ormachek, Havla, Deenelian Fizz Pudding, Cho-Nor-Hoola, Citros Snow Cake, and Air Cake depends on 66% FL and 33% OQ. Experimentation on this line will increase the # of Attacks Affected, Recovery Decrease, Grants Enhanced, # of Heals Affected, and Duration attributes on these items.

Experimental Nutritional Value

1. The Experimental Nutritional Value line for Flameout, T'ssolok, Trimpian, Synthsteak, Pikatta Pie, Parwan Nutricake, Ormachek, Havla, Deenelian Fizz Pudding, Cho-Nor-Hoola, Citros Snow Cake, Blood Chowder, and Air Cake depends on 33% OQ and 66% PE. Experimentation on this line will increase the % Resistance, % Damage Reduction, % Chance to Dodge, HAM Decrease, % Bonus, Recovery Time Bonus, % Reduction, and Accuracy Increase attributes for these items.

2. The Experimental Nutritional Value line for Bespin Port, Blue Milk, T'iila-T'iil, Smuggler's Delight, Pyollian Cake, Karkan Ribenes, Gorrnar, Cavaellin Creams, depends on 50% DR and 50% OQ. Experimentation on this line will increase the % Reduction, Crafting Bonus, % Regen Bonus, Incap Recovery Bonus, Experimentation Bonus, and Mind Healing attributes for these items.

Experimental Quantity

1. The Experimental Quantity line for Flameout, T'ssolok, Trimpian, Pikatta Pie, Parwan Nutricake, Havla, Cho-Nor-Hoola, Citros Snow Cake, Blood Chowder, and Air Cake depends on 25% DR and 75% PE. Experimentation on this line will increase the Quantity and Uses Remaining attributes on these items.

2. The Experimental Quantity line for Synthsteak, Ormachek, and Deenelian Fizz Pudding, depends on 25% DR and 75% SR. Experimentation on this line will increase the Quantity and Uses Remaining attributes on these items.

3. The Experimental Quantity line for Blue Milk, Smuggler's Delight, Pyollian Cake, Karkan Ribenes, Gorrnar, Bespin Port, and Cavaellin Creams, depends on 33% OQ and 66% PE. Experimentation on this line will increase the Quantity and Uses Remaining attributes on these items.

Note: T'iila-T'iil has experimental quantity line but since the item was made as one use, experimenting did not raise this value. I am currently unsure as to whether this was intended or not.

Item Attributes

Variation Of:

This attribute spawns on any item that has had its base type name changed. For player crafted items this type change occurs when the player renames the item from the default given one. The name change can occur automatically as the player chooses a particular style for the item during the customization process or by manually renaming the item in the name field. After changing the name the item now indicates that it is a variation of the specific type that it originated as.

For more information about the Variation Of attribute, see General Item Mechanics


This attribute is only present on foods and drinks and indicates the current hitpoints remaining on the item.The left figure represents the current hitpoints on the item and the right represents the total max possible hitpoints. Foods have an innate condition of 1000. Food, and drinks do not decay upon death therefore condition values on them really serve no purpose.


Represents the current container contents of the Item.

For more information about volumn counts, see Inventory Mechanics

Uses Remaining

Attribute that only appears on foods. This will indicate the remaining number of times that the particular food can be used before it will be removed from the inventory.

Object Creator:

This attribute appears only on crafted items or looted components. The crafter's name is listed here.

General Item Mechanics, and General Crafting Mechanics for more information about Serial numbers

Serial Number:

This attribute only appears on crafted items. This represents the alphanumeric code given to the item.

See General Item Mechanics, Using Schematics and General Crafting Mechanics for more information about Serial numbers


This attribute only appears on food and drinks. This indicates the remaining number of times that the particular food can be used before it will be removed from the inventory. Note: For foods, uses remaining seems to be redundant as it displays the same thing as Quantity.

Stomach Filling (Drink)

This attribute only appears for drinks. This indicates to the player which stomach type (drink or food) that the object will fill up once consumed as well as the amount to which the item will fill the stomach by.

Stomach Filling (Food)

This attribute only appears for foods. This indicates to the player which stomach type (drink or food) that the object will fill up once consumed as well as the amount to which the item will fill the stomach by.

Instant Effect

Applies to:

Jaar, Parwann Nutricake, Dustcrepe, K-18 Ration, T'iila-T'iil

This indicates that the effect from the item takes place immediately upon being used.

Delayed Effect

Applies to: Flameout, Bespin Port, Synthsteak, Smugglers Delight, Pyollian Cake, Ormachek, Havla, Gorrnar, Cavaellin Creams, Starshine Surprise

This indicates that the effect from the item only occurs if some action is performed that triggers it.

Duration Effect

Applies to: Trimpian, Blood Chowder, Cho-Nor-Hoola, Pikatta Pie, Air Cake, Deneelian Fizz Pudding, Citros Snow Cake, Crispic, T'ssolok

This indicates that the effect listed for these foods will last until the duration on the item has expired.

Accuracy Increase

Applies to: Citros Snow Cake, Crispic

Factors in as a percentage increase in the accuracy roll effect on attacking a target.

Recovery Time Bonus

Applies to: Havla, Ruby Bliel

Factors as a percentage reduction in the healing time between each use of a healing item or ability.

# of heals affected

Applies to: Havla, Ruby Bliel

This indicates the number of heals that the item can work for before it expires and the player has to consume another.

% Bonus

Applies to: Ormachek

This indicates the percentage of bonus experience that will be granted to a player when they earn experience from performing some action such as killing a creature or healing players etc.

Grants Enhanced

Applies to: Ormachek

This indicates the total number of times the player can earn experience while having obtaining a bonus from the foods effect.

HAM Decrease

Applies to: Parwann Nutricake, K-18 Ration

This is a direct percentage decrease in the ham costs for the burst run ability.

Recovery Decrease

Applies to: Parwann Nutricake, K-18 Ration

This is a direct percentage decrease in the reuse timer for the burst run ability.

% Chance to Dodge

Applies to: Pikatta Pie, Air Cake, Deneelian Fizz Pudding

This represents the percentage increase of the base chance a player has of being missed by a target.

Crafting Bonus

Applies to: Pyollian Cake

This indicates the amount that will be added to the player's assembly modifier skill in order to help with benificial calculations on the next assembly attempt while the food is active.

% Reduction

Applies to: Smugglers Delight, Gornarr, T'ssolok, T'iila-T'iil

For smugglers Delight, this indicates the percentage reduction in the downer timer after using a spice. To get the effect of this food the player has to eat the food prior to using the spice. For gornaar this attribute indicates the percentage reduction in the wounds caused by cloning without insurance or in space. For T'ssolok this attribute indicates the percentage reduction on the timer (tick) to apply the entertainer buff to a player. For T'iila-T'iil this attribute indicates the amount of Food Stomach filling that is deducted from the player by using this drink.

% Resistance

Applies to: Trimpian, Blood Chowder, Cho-Nor-Hoola

For trimpian this attribute indicates the percentage in damage reduction from heat based attacks as well as a reduction in the damage caused by fire dots. For Blood Chowder and Cho-Nor-Hoola this indicates a percentage increase in the chance to avoid having effects being applied to the player by the respective bleed, poison and disease dots.


Applies to: Trimpian, Blood Chowder, Cho-Nor-Hoola, Pikatta Pie, Air Cake, Deneelian Fizz Pudding, Citros Snow Cake, Crispic, T'ssolok, Almond-Kwevvu Crisp Munchies, Bivoli Tempari, Caramelized Pkneb,Chandad, Rakririan Burnout Sauce, Terratta, Thakitillo, Travel Biscuits, Vegeparsine, Veghash, Corellian Ale Corellian Brandy, Deuterium-pyro, Durindfire, Dweezel, Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud, Gralinyn Juice Ithorian Mist, Jawa Beer, Vayerbok,, Veronian Berry Wine

This is the indicator of the remaining time that the player may have the effect from the item once it has been consumed.

Experimentation Bonus

Applies to: Bespin Port

Indicates the amount added to the experimentation modifier when calculating the success roll for an experimentation attempt.

% Damage Reduction

Applies to: Flameout, Synthsteak, Exo-Protein Wafers

Indicates the amount of damage as a percentage that will be absorbed by the item once the player has been successfully hit.

# of attacks affected

Applies to: Flameout,Synthsteak, Exo-Protein Wafers

Indicates the number of attacks that the player may be hit by before the effects of the item wears off.

Mind Healing

Applies to: Aitha, Blue Milk,

Indicates that these items will give the player an instant heal to the mind pool once consumed.

% Regen Bonus

Applies to: Karkan Ribenes

Indicates the amount as a percentage that the food will increase a trandoshans regeneration stat by. This will increase the constitution statistic that the regeneration skill applies by the given percentage

Species Restriction

Applies to: Jaar, Karkan Ribenes

Indicates that a certain type of species is required to use an item. Jaar is limited to wookiees. Karkan Ribenes are limited to Trandoshans.

Incap Recovery Bonus

Applies to:

Cavaellin Creams, Starshine Surprise

Indicates the percentage amount reduction of the incapacitation timer after a player has become incapacitated after eating/drinking this item.

Transferred Component Attributes

These are the attributes that appear on the Food Additives that are used in the various food items. Along with them is a description of how the passed on attributes from each component contributes to the final item. The stats on the biological components is a percentage increase (or decrease if its for filling) of the filling, duration, buff size, or quantity size you get after experimentation. So if the buff size is normally +200 with 25% experimentation, making that food with a 75 Nutrition additive would make the buff size 200 + 200 * 0.75 = +350 at 25% experimentation. Duration and quantity act the same way (being rounded as necessary). A Filling additive subtracts from the filling, so a normally 40 Filling food with a 35 Filling additive would end up with 40 - 40 * 0.35 = 26 Filling.

Filling Bonus:

Adding in Carboreductive Catalyst, Caloric Conversion Supplement, Carbocaloric Eliminator bio components to light food additives, medium food additives and heavy food additives will decrease the Stomach Filling (Drink) and Stomach Filling (Food) attributes on these items by the listed percentage value on the bio component. For example an item that has 50 filling with a Light Food Additive that has had a Carboreductive Catalyst added with a value of 50 will decrease those attributes by 50% of their normal value. The new value on the item would now be 25.

Flavor Bonus:

Adding in Multisaccharide Dimate, Multisaccharide Tetramate, Multisaccharide Pentamate bio components to light food additives, medium food additives and heavy food additives will increase the Duration and # of Attacks Affected, Grants Enhanced, Recovery Decrease, # of Heals Affected, and Duration attributes for these items.

Nutrition Bonus:

Adding in Micronutrient Supplement, Broad-Spectrum Nutrients, Intelligent Nanonutrients bio components to light food additives, medium food additives and heavy food additives will increase the % Resistance, % Damage Reduction, % Chance to Dodge, HAM Decrease, % Bonus, Recovery Time Bonus, % Reduction, and Accuracy Increase, Crafting Bonus, % Regen Bonus, Incap Recovery Bonus, Experimentation Bonus, and Mind Healing attributes for these items. The increase in the effect on the item is a percentage increase of the stats. For example a 100 nutrient bonus additive will increase an item with 100 Mind healing stat to a 200 after experimentation.

Quantity Bonus:

Adding in Hyper Yeast Additive, Hyper Yeast Concentrate, Edible Nano Constructors bio components to light food additives, medium food additives and heavy food additives will increase the Quantity and Uses Remaining attributes on these items by the listed percentage value on the additive. For example an item with a quantity of 10 that has an additive with a value of 100 will now have a quantity of 20.

Source References

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