Stimpack Dispensor Module (Game Mechanics)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Stimpack Dispensor Module Mechanics

The Stimpack Dispenser Module has a theoretical maximum of 600 Stimpack Capacity and 60 Stimpack Delivery within an advanced R3 droid.

The Stimpack Delivery Rating determines the amount of time it takes to issue a stim. The closest equation, to figure out the time between stim usage, that has been suggested is 60 x (1 / Stimpack Delivery Rating) = x seconds, rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Example A Stimpack Delivery Rating of 19 = 3 seconds. 60 x (1/19) = 60 x 0.0526315~ = 3.15789 seconds

The Stimpack Power attribute that displays on the droid indicates the amount of Health and Action that will be healed by the currently selected stimpack. Droids do not get medical rating bonuses to their healing potential so the listed value is what will be offered up as healing.

Only Stimpack A's can be used. This excludes the Quest Stimpack-A+ versions however.

Using Stimpack Dispensor Modules

To use a stimpack, the player requesting the stim must be within 30 meters of the droid to be able to issue the request. The Stimpack Dispenser Module will produce a Request Stimpack Option. The following two submenus are produced

  • Request Stimpack - Can be replaced by using the /requeststimpack command
  • Load Stimpack - Allows you to add 1 Stimpack to the droid at a time. (Only for those with Pharmacology IV)

Using the Command /requestStimpack (Droids name) - Including the brackets - will allow you to request a stim directly from the droid, without having to target it. This allows you to put the command on a macro.

Example Your droids name is Fix-It. The command would be /requestStimpack (Fix-It)

Players that do not have Pharmacology IV are not able to load stims into the droad, however any grouped player can use the droid by using the requeststimpack command while targeting the droid or by using the radial on the droid or by issueing a requeststimpack command with the droid's name, for example /requeststimpack (benny). The requeststimpack command goes into the combat queue like other commands. Droid heals do not gain any bonus from player injury treatment modifiers,and therefore only heal at the base listed values on the stimpacks. The droid must also be within the 6 meter range of the player to heal them.

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