Dot Defenses (Game Mechanics)

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Game Mechanics

Application Chance Reduction

One function of Dot defenses is to make a roll against the potency attribute of a dot attack to see if a dot is applied. Each dot ability or item then has an inherent chance to succeed upon a successful roll. Currently all these defenses have a 95% cap. In other words, no matter how high your dot defenses there is always a 5% chance that a succesful dot attempt will be applied. When a dot application attempt is made, there is then a percent chance for it to work based on the skill or item. For example Combat Medic Disease Pack with 200 potency has percentage chance to Disease should the attack pass the target's disease resistance modifier check.


A second function of Dot Defenses are to reduce the amount of damage done and the duration of certain types of Dot effects through an absorption process. This appears to work by reducing the initial damage of the attack by the percentage of resistance on the player. For certain abilities like the force resists, there is an added benefit in that these abilities also reduce the duration of the dot by a given percentage. Most abilities and skill modifiers (with the exception of fire resistance) do not have innate absorption associated with their defense checks.

To complicate matters a bit, dot resists also go through a tier process in which certain sources of dot defenses will not stack with other forms. Each source of resist makes a separate check. Skill attachment resists, jedi state resist, Force State Resist, doctor resist buffs and food buffs all apply different checks from one another.

Note: There is no known formula for calculating any aspect of dot defense. What is known however is that if a dot resist modifier meets a same level potency stat from the applying dot ability or item, then the dot will have a 50% chance of being resisted or being applied.

One possible idea is the following:

The defense vs. {state} skill mods are probably percentage based. So a 100% defense vs. stun would be the real limit: you never get stunned. However, it's also possible (but I've never seen it confirmed one way or the other) that different stun or KD attacks have different chances of sticking. You see this already with the potency stat on CM poisons/diseases: higher potency has a better chance of sticking. If that's the case, it might be along the lines of this:

ChanceOfState = ( AttackStatePotency - DefenseVsState ) / 100;
StateRoll = random(0,1);
if [ StateRoll < ChanceOfState ] { ApplyState(); }

Dot Defense Modifiers:

  • Bleed Resistance
  • Combat Bleed Resistance (Found only on BE clothing. Supposedly acts the same as Bleed Resistance so its probable that they stack. SOE possibly just gave them a different name, changed their minds later on and failed to change it)
  • Fire Resistance
  • Disease resistance
  • Poison Resistance

Abilities that Add to Dot defense Modifiers

  • Force Resist Bleeding - Adds +25 to Bleed resistance & +25 Bleed absorption
  • Force Resist Disease - Adds +25 to Disease resistance & +25 Disease absorption
  • Force Resist Poison - Adds +25 to Poison resistance & +25 Disease absorption
  • Enhance Health - Doctor can add disease and/or poison resist buffs to player. (C level buffs include Absorption to disease and poison ticks)

Items that Add to Dot Defense Modifiers

  • Wearables -
  • Bio-Engineered Tissues -
    • Coagulant Agents - Combat Bleed Resistance (Up to +20)
    • Constrictor Cloth - Combat Bleed Resistance (Up to +10)

  • Food -
    • Blood Chowder - Adds to Bleed Resistance
    • Cho-Nor-Hoola - Adds to Poison & Disease Resistance
    • Trimpian - Adds to Fire Resistance (also adds fire absorption)
    • Dustcrepe - Reduces Duration on all dots.

  • Skill Attachments -

Also note that Resistances attachments such as Bleed Resistance, Poison Resistance, Disease Resistance and Fire Resistance do not stack on top of other resistances, such as the Force Resist Bleeding, Force Resist Disease, Force Resist Poison or the Doctor Resistance buffs. They make separate checks from Force Resist State ability and Doctor Resist Buffs.

    • Bleed Resistance
    • Fire Resistance (also adds fire absorption)
    • Disease resistance
    • Poison Resistance

Source References

Source Source in Context
Dot Defenses 1
Dot Defenses 2
Dot Defenses 3
Dot Defenses 4
Dot Defenses 5
Dot Defenses 6
Dot Defenses 7
Dot Defenses 8 '
Dot Defenses 9 '
Dot Defenses 10
Dot Defenses 11
Dot Defenses 12
Dot Defenses 13 '
Dot Defenses 14 '
Dot Defenses 15 '
Dot Defenses 16 '
Dot Defenses 17 '
Dot Defenses 18 '
Dot Defenses 19 '
Dot Defenses 20 '