Nabooian Sculpture Auto-Crafting Kit (Game Mechanics)

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Game Mechanics - Loot Kit

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Nabooian Sculpture Auto-Crafting Kit (Game Mechanics)

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Nabooian Sculpture Auto-Crafting Kit

Nabooian Sculpture Auto-Crafting Kit is available from special Junk Dealer NPC's throughout the game. This kit is made up of the following items: The kit itself

Nabooian Sculpture Auto-Crafting Kit

10 Components

Nabooian Sculpture Adhesive
Nabooian Sculpture Gold Plating - First Coating
Nabooian Sculpture Gold Plating - Second Coating
Nabooian Sculpture Base - First Section
Nabooian Sculpture Base - Second Section
Nabooian Sculpture Base - Third Section
Nabooian Sculpture Base - Fourth Section
Nabooian Sculpture Base - Fifth Section
Nabooian Sculpture Base - Sixth Section
Nabooian Sculpture Base - Seventh Section

Using the Kit

The Nabooian Sculpture Auto-Crafting Kit requires 10 components to produce the Nabooian Style Sculpture. These components come as loot from NPCs throughout the game.

To use the kits, the player first obtains the kit object from the Junk Dealer. The kit is a no trade item, meaning that it cannot be transferred to another player once it has been acquired. The player can obtain no additional kits from any Junk Dealers until the current kit has been expended or the player destroys it. The kit may only be kept in the player’s top-level inventory or bank safe-deposit box.

Conversation Introduction
Conversation Intro Option 3 chosen
Conversation Option 1 chosen

Once the item is in the inventory the player then can click on the item's radial menu to select the Open option or Examine.

Nabooian Sculpture Auto-Crafting Kit
Nabooian Sculpture Auto-Crafting Kit

Opening the kit will allow the player to directly input items into the kit. Alternatively, the player may drag and drop each component into the kit container. Each time a player adds a new item to the kit, the remaining item status will update to notify the player of their collection progress. The player may view their progress by examining the kit. Each component's name will be listed in this window with a "Yes" or "No" attribute indicating that the component has either been installed already or it has not. Items can be placed into the kit in any order. Upon placing the final item, the kit is consumed and an item is placed in the player's inventory.

Loot Kit Expended

Item Attributes

Volumn: Represents the current container contents of the Item. For more information about volumn counts, see Inventory Mechanics

Contents: This attribute indicates the current amount of components being held by the kit container. This will list the current amount of components out of the total capacity. Once the container is filled with the correct components, the item will be produced.

Nabooian Sculpture Adhesive: This attribute indicates whether or not this type of component has already been deposited into the container. The available properties are "Yes" indicating that the component has already been installed, and "No" which indicates that the component has not been installed.

Nabooian Sculpture Gold Plating - First Coating: This attribute indicates whether or not this type of component has already been deposited into the container. The available properties are "Yes" indicating that the component has already been installed, and "No" which indicates that the component has not been installed.

Nabooian Sculpture Gold Plating - Second Coating: This attribute indicates whether or not this type of component has already been deposited into the container. The available properties are "Yes" indicating that the component has already been installed, and "No" which indicates that the component has not been installed.

Nabooian Sculpture Base - First Section: This attribute indicates whether or not this type of component has already been deposited into the container. The available properties are "Yes" indicating that the component has already been installed, and "No" which indicates that the component has not been installed.

Nabooian Sculpture Base - Second Section: This attribute indicates whether or not this type of component has already been deposited into the container. The available properties are "Yes" indicating that the component has already been installed, and "No" which indicates that the component has not been installed.

Nabooian Sculpture Base - Third Section: This attribute indicates whether or not this type of component has already been deposited into the container. The available properties are "Yes" indicating that the component has already been installed, and "No" which indicates that the component has not been installed.

Nabooian Sculpture Base - Fourth Section: This attribute indicates whether or not this type of component has already been deposited into the container. The available properties are "Yes" indicating that the component has already been installed, and "No" which indicates that the component has not been installed.

Nabooian Sculpture Base - Fifth Section: This attribute indicates whether or not this type of component has already been deposited into the container. The available properties are "Yes" indicating that the component has already been installed, and "No" which indicates that the component has not been installed.

Nabooian Sculpture Base - Sixth Section: This attribute indicates whether or not this type of component has already been deposited into the container. The available properties are "Yes" indicating that the component has already been installed, and "No" which indicates that the component has not been installed.

Nabooian Sculpture Base - Seventh Section: This attribute indicates whether or not this type of component has already been deposited into the container. The available properties are "Yes" indicating that the component has already been installed, and "No" which indicates that the component has not been installed.

Source References

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