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== Description ==
== Description ==
Template (Game Messages)
Also see Image Designer
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= Character Statistics =
== Character Statistics ==
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                              <STRONG>Mysteries of Stats and Stat Migration</STRONG>
<P>From the time you create your character you are immediately given the opportunity to change your stats and secondary pools. If you're like many, myself included you were so interested in jumping in-game that you only really paid attention to the primary stats and got a general idea of what they were about and made a decision as to what you would like them to be at. As the game progressed you learned a little more and wanted to change them. This article will help you understand what the stats do and how to change them. </P>
<P>From the time you create your character you are immediately given the opportunity to change your stats and secondary pools. If you're like many, myself included you were so interested in jumping in-game that you only really paid attention to the primary stats and got a general idea of what they were about and made a decision as to what you would like them to be at. As the game progressed you learned a little more and wanted to change them. This article will help you understand what the stats do and how to change them. </P>
<P><STRONG>Lets start with the basics</STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>Lets start with the basics</STRONG></P>
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== HAM Bars ==
Players, Npcs and Creatures have three bars representing their Health, Action, and Mind pool. When you target something, its name and HAM bar will appear in your heads up display, as well as over the target's head. Red represents the Health pool, green represents the Action pool, and blue represents the Mind pool. When you deal damage to a target through combat, you will notice that its Health, Action, and Mind pools deplete, based upon the amount and type of damage dealt. This can be seen in the HAM bar by a shortening of the colored bar that represents the pool that was depleted. When any one of the three pools is completely depleted, the remainder of the colored bar will disappear and the target will die if it as npc or creature or become incapacitated if is a player.
Damage received by and done to targets is displayed in flytext over the character/npc's head. The damage hit location is also displayed. Both the hit location and damage amount done are color coded to display the ham bar(s) that were affected by the attacks.
<P><STRONG>What do the stats do for me?</STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>What do the stats do for me?</STRONG></P>
<P>There are three primary stats, Health, Action, and Mind. Each of these are the "How much of it I have" number. Each primary stat has two sub categories. The first is how efficient this stat is for me, the second is how fast will I get it back. These are described in further detail below:</P>
<P>There are three primary stats, Health, Action, and Mind. Each of these are the "How much of it I have" number. Each primary stat has two sub categories. The first is how efficient this stat is for me, the second is how fast will I get it back. These are described in further detail below:</P>
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<P>Next you want to consider what profession you will be playing. If you are going to be an entertainer of some sort, high action would benefit you the most since the flourishes use action. Likewise you would probably want high quickness and stamina so you can regenerate these faster. If you plan on playing a medical profession you will want high mind (and mind regeneration) since this is the primary stat used to perform your procedures (Image design uses mind as well for alterations). For combat the choices are more dependent on how you plan to play. If you do not plan on getting hit much but using a lot of special attacks you may wish to have a high mind or action pools. </P>
<P>Next you want to consider what profession you will be playing. If you are going to be an entertainer of some sort, high action would benefit you the most since the flourishes use action. Likewise you would probably want high quickness and stamina so you can regenerate these faster. If you plan on playing a medical profession you will want high mind (and mind regeneration) since this is the primary stat used to perform your procedures (Image design uses mind as well for alterations). For combat the choices are more dependent on how you plan to play. If you do not plan on getting hit much but using a lot of special attacks you may wish to have a high mind or action pools. </P>
Wounds to stats caused either by hits or diseases cannot exceed the player's unmodified value minus one.  For example, a player has a 1000 unmodified mind pool and also has a 1000 mind buff at the time he receives a disease that will take his stats down 3000 by the end of the duration.  The player's total mind bar is 2000 points, however it will only be reduced to 1001 because the player can only suffer up to unmodified stat -1 in wounds which would equate in this situation to suffering 999 damage in wounds as his unmodified mind is 1000. 
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== Stat Migration ==
== Stat Migration ==
{| align="center"
[[image:Stats.jpg|200px|thumb|Stat Migration Prompt]]
Players may set their stats while on the tutorial and they will take effect instantaneously. When a player leaves the tutorial they can still access their stat migration window and change their stat configuration however the new configuration will not take affect until they interact with an image designer.</p>
<P>Fortunately the system is built with a way to change these stats when you get more experience with the game and have a better idea of the specific distribution you want to have. </P>
<P>Fortunately the system is built with a way to change these stats when you get more experience with the game and have a better idea of the specific distribution you want to have. </P>
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<P>It should be noted that this is a general guide intended to help those that do not have experience with stats or are new to the game. Your experience and personal play style will have a great effect on your decisions as to what stats you want.</P>
<P>It should be noted that this is a general guide intended to help those that do not have experience with stats or are new to the game. Your experience and personal play style will have a great effect on your decisions as to what stats you want.</P>
== HAM Regeneration ==
'''Regen Stat Effects'''
The three regen stats (Constitution, Stamina, Willpower) determine how quickly their respective pools regenerate. All three pools appear to regenerate using exactly the same formula. All three regeneration rates are equally affected by the character stance (standing, kneeling, sitting, or prone).<br><br>
Health_Sitting_Regen( per second ) = CONSTITUTION * 13 / 1200<br>
Action_Sitting_Regen( per second ) = STAMINA * 13 / 1200<br>
Mind_Sitting_Regen( per second ) = WILLPOWER * 13 / 1200<br><br>
Kneeling_Regen( per second ) = Sitting_Regen * ( 5 / 7 )<br>
Standing_Regen( per second ) = Sitting_Regen * ( 4 / 7 )<br>
Prone_Regen( per second ) = Sitting_Regen * ( 4 / 7 )<br><br>
It may be easier to remember that sitting has 75% faster regen than standing, and kneeling has 25% faster regen than standing.<br><br>
Example: Rodan artisan (Constitution=300, Stamina=750, Willpower=550)<br><br>
- Health_Regen = 300 * 13 / 1200 = 3.25 health pool per second.<br>
- Action_Regen = 750 * 13 / 1200 = 8.12 action pool per second.<br>
- Mind_Regen = 550 * 13 / 1200 = 5.96 mind pool per second.<br><br>
- Health_Regen = 300 * 13 / 1200 * (5/7) = 2.32 health pool per second.<br>
- Action_Regen = 750 * 13 / 1200 * (5/7) = 5.80 action pool per second.<br>
- Mind_Regen = 550 * 13 / 1200 * (5/7) = 4.26 mind pool per second.<br><br>
Standing or Prone:<br><br>
- Health_Regen = 300 * 13 / 1200 * (4/7) = 1.86 health pool per second.<br>
- Action_Regen = 750 * 13 / 1200 * (4/7) = 4.64 action pool per second.<br>
- Mind_Regen = 550 * 13 / 1200 * (4/7) = 3.40 mind pool per second.<br>
== Special Attack Costs ==
Default or auto attacks require no HAM to use. Almost every special attack or ability in the game has a base value associated with it. This base value represents the HAM that will be deducted from the player whenever they use that ability. Weapons are also given base values which are found under the Special Attack Cost category on the item. When a special is used with a weapon, a multiplier for that particular special comes into play. The multiplier for that particular special is multiplied against the current Special Attack Cost values on the weapon, then the values are added to the base special HAM costs.  The value that comes from this process is then passed on to be affected by the player's secondary stats for each HAM attribute. The final HAM cost to the player is the remainder from this process. If a player does not have sufficient HAM to cover the costs of using the special either by itself or with the equipped weapon, then the player is simply denied the ability to use the special.
Note: Base cost in the following example is the summation of the actual base ham cost of the special plus the calculated multiplier against the weapon special attack costs. For example if the base costs on a special were 50, the multiplier on the special was 1.5 and the special attack cost value on the weapon was 50 then the base cost of the special prior to going through secondary stats would be 125.
Final Ham Cost Formula:
'''Cost = Base * ( 1 - ( Stat / 1400 ) )'''
For example:<br>
1. Unarmed Hit 2 has a base cost of 12 health,18 action, and 12 mind.<br>
2. Given an Strength/Quickness/Focus of 400/350/450, the HAM cost is reduced by 28.6% / 25% / 32%.<br>
3. HAM cost for these stats is 9/14/8. That's 8.75 / 13.5 / 8.14 rounded.<br>
I'll stress again that the formula isn't accounting for some fractional amounts, but will usually get within 1 point of actual ingame costs.
HAM cost formula where Base is the Health, Aaction or Mind base cost for the skill and Stat is the relevant Strength, Quickness and Focus value:<br>
Sample with buffs
200 * (1-(450+2700/450+2700+1400))
Base * (1-(current+modifiers/max+modifiers+1400))
== Encumberance ==
Encumberance are the values associated with wearing armor.  Every piece of armor has an encumberance value. When equipped, the encumberance value is subtracted from the player's secondary stats. If a player's secondary stats are too low to meet the requirement of the armor then the player will not be able to equip that piece.  Players may use buffs oro ther stat enhancing abilities to increase their secondary stats in order to be able to equip the armor. Players are also allowed to retain the equipped armor even after the buffs have dropped however if they remove it then attempt to re-equip, they will subsequently be unable to do so until they once again meet the stat requirements to wear it.  In order for a player to equip a piece of armor, their total encumberance must not take their stat below 1 point.
{| align="center"
[[image:Charsheetattributesjpg.jpg|200px|thumb|Char Sheet]]
== Stat Debuffs & Spice Downers ==
Debuffs are effects that reduce stat pools usually by varying amounts.  Stat debuffs serve to hinder the player or otherwise harm their ability to function as effectively.  Several types are found in SWG, these being:<br>
1.  [[Sample Resource (Ability)|Radioactive Sampling debuff]]<br>
2.  [[Force Weaken 1 (Ability)|Force Weaken 1 debuff]]<br>
3.  [[Force Weaken 2 (Ability)|Force Weaken 2 debuff]]<br>
3.  [[Using Spice (Game Mechanics)|Spice downer debuff]]<br><br>
== Stat Buffs ==
Stat buffs are beneficial enhancement effects that increase the stat pools of a player by varying amounts. Stat buffs come in several forms:
1. [[Food and skill buff Effects (Game Mechanics)|Foods]]<br>
2. [[Food and skill buff Effects (Game Mechanics)|Spices]]<br>
3. [[Food and skill buff Effects (Game Mechanics)|Special usable items (focused crystals)]]<br>
4. [[Heal Enhance (Ability)|Doctor's Heal Enhance ability]]<br>
5. [[SetPerformanceBuffTarget (Ability)|Musician Enhance Mind ability]]<br>
6. [[SetPerformanceBuffTarget (Ability)|Dancer Enhance Mind ability]]<br>
== Formulas ==
'''Ham regeneration formula:'''
(stat * 13  ) / 1200 = base regeneration points per second.<br><br>
Regen Multipliers
Standing Regeneration = base regen value<br>
Kneeling Regeneration  = 1.25 x Base Regen<br>
Prone Regeneration = 1.75 x Base Regen<br><br>
'''Ability HAM Cost formula:'''
Cost = Base * ( 1 - ( Stat / 1400 ) )<br><br>
For Regression purposes here is the base calculation formula as well<br><br>
Base = Cost / ( 1 - ( Stat / 1400 ) )
==Source References==
{| align="center"
{| class="anhsmalltable"
|- align="center" style="background-color:#ffffcc;"
|width="100px"|'''Source'''||width="750px"|'''Source in Context'''
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 1 (Source)|Source 1]]||[[Stats Mechanics Context 1 (Source)|Source1]]
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 2 (Source)|Source 2]]||http://web.archive.org/web/20041014013833/http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/content.jsp?page=Friday+Feature+Stat+Migration
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 3 (Source)|Source 3]]||[[Stats Mechanics Context 3 (Source)|Source 3]]
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 4 (Source)|Source 4]]||http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=1074085076&t=491564
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 5 (Source)|Source 5]]||[[Stats Mechanics Context 5 (Source)|Source 5]]
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 6 (Source)|Source 6]]||http://Link6
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 7 (Source)|Source 7]]||http://Link7
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 8 (Source)|Source 8]]||http://Link8
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 9 (Source)|Source 9]]||http://Link9
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 10 (Source)|Source 10]]||http://Link10
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 11 (Source)|Source 11]]||http://Link11
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 12 (Source)|Source 12]]||http://Link12
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 13 (Source)|Source 13]]||http://Link13
|- align="center"
||[[Stats Mechanics 14 (Source)|Source 14]]||http://Link14
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 15 (Source)|Source 15]]||http://Link15
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 16 (Source)|Source 16]]||http://Link16
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 17 (Source)|Source 17]]||http://Link17
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 18 (Source)|Source 18]]||http://Link18
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 19 (Source)|Source 19]]||http://Link19
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 20 (Source)|Source 20]]||http://Link20
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 21 (Source)|Source 21]]||http://Link21
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 22 (Source)|Source 22]]||http://Link22
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 23 (Source)|Source 23]]||http://Link23
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 24 (Source)|Source 24]]||http://Link24
|- align="center"
||[[Ability_Name 25 (Source)|Source 25]]||http://Link25
|- align="center"

Latest revision as of 17:24, 28 July 2010

Game Mechanics - Mechanics Category

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Also see Image Designer

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25% This document has been partially completed.

Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Character Statistics

From the time you create your character you are immediately given the opportunity to change your stats and secondary pools. If you're like many, myself included you were so interested in jumping in-game that you only really paid attention to the primary stats and got a general idea of what they were about and made a decision as to what you would like them to be at. As the game progressed you learned a little more and wanted to change them. This article will help you understand what the stats do and how to change them.

Lets start with the basics

What are the minimum and maximum stats that your specific race can have? Below is a table listing the race and stat pool minimums and maximums.

Race   Health Strength Con Action Quick Stam Mind Focus Will Total
Points Avail
Bothan Min 300 300 300 600 600 400 400 400 300 5400
  Max 1000 500 400 1300 750 500 1100 600 500  
Human Min 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 5400
  Max 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100  
MonCal Min 300 300 300 300 300 450 600 600 450 5400
  Max 1000 500 400 1000 450 550 1300 800 650  
Rodian Min 300 300 300 300 300 450 300 300 350 5400
  Max 1000 500 400 1200 650 850 1000 500 550  
Trando Min 550 600 700 300 300 300 300 300 300 5550
  Max 1250 800 800 1000 450 400 1000 500 600  
Twilek Min 300 300 550 550 600 300 400 300 300 5400
  Max 1000 500 650 1250 750 400 1100 500 500  
Wookiee Min 650 650 450 500 400 400 400 450 400 6100
  Max 1350 850 550 1200 550 500 1100 650 600  
Zabrak Min 500 300 300 600 300 300 300 300 700 5400
  Max 1200 500 400 1300 450 400 1000 500 900  

HAM Bars

Players, Npcs and Creatures have three bars representing their Health, Action, and Mind pool. When you target something, its name and HAM bar will appear in your heads up display, as well as over the target's head. Red represents the Health pool, green represents the Action pool, and blue represents the Mind pool. When you deal damage to a target through combat, you will notice that its Health, Action, and Mind pools deplete, based upon the amount and type of damage dealt. This can be seen in the HAM bar by a shortening of the colored bar that represents the pool that was depleted. When any one of the three pools is completely depleted, the remainder of the colored bar will disappear and the target will die if it as npc or creature or become incapacitated if is a player.

Damage received by and done to targets is displayed in flytext over the character/npc's head. The damage hit location is also displayed. Both the hit location and damage amount done are color coded to display the ham bar(s) that were affected by the attacks.

What do the stats do for me?

There are three primary stats, Health, Action, and Mind. Each of these are the "How much of it I have" number. Each primary stat has two sub categories. The first is how efficient this stat is for me, the second is how fast will I get it back. These are described in further detail below:

Health is a primary stat; it is directly represented in your HAM (health, action, mind) bars and is the amount of physical damage your character can take before becoming incapacitated.

Strength refers to the ability to exercise brute force in physical activity, it is your efficiency stat. This effects how expensive any action requiring Health cost you. The higher this stat, the cheaper, point wise, your actions are.

Constitution is the measure of your ability to recover from damage, your regeneration stat, or how fast you will recover health. The larger this number the faster you regenerate.

The other 2 stats are very similar

Action is a measure of how rested your character is. As you grow tired, you will see your Action points being depleted. It is a primary stat directly represented in your ham bar and is the amount of Action damage you can take before you become incapacitated.

Quickness is the measure of your characters fitness; it is the stat that effects how much of the action pool you use for abilities requiring action.

Stamina is how quickly characters recover from intense physical activity, this is the Action bars regeneration stat.

Mind is a measure of your alertness and mental capacity. A player with a higher Mind is better able to tackle complex technical tasks. It is the stat directly represented in your ham bar and is the amount of Mental damage you can take before being incapacitated.

Focus is your character's effectiveness in concentrating on mental activity. It is the stat that determines how much of the mind pool you use for abilities that require Mind expenditure.

Willpower helps you recover from expenditure of mind. It is the regeneration stat for the mind pool.

Where to put my stats?

There are several things to consider when deciding how you want to distribute your stat points. There are things that can alter your stats, such as armor encumbrance. So if you are planning on wearing heavy armor you will want to make the appropriate adjustments in your secondary stats, which is where the encumbrance is taken from. You can also get buffs, which enhance the values of your stat pools. Doctors can enhance your Health and Action pools, Dancers your Mind and Musicians your Willpower and Focus. Chef foods can also alter all of the above but to a slightly lesser degree than the other professions.

Next you want to consider what profession you will be playing. If you are going to be an entertainer of some sort, high action would benefit you the most since the flourishes use action. Likewise you would probably want high quickness and stamina so you can regenerate these faster. If you plan on playing a medical profession you will want high mind (and mind regeneration) since this is the primary stat used to perform your procedures (Image design uses mind as well for alterations). For combat the choices are more dependent on how you plan to play. If you do not plan on getting hit much but using a lot of special attacks you may wish to have a high mind or action pools.


Wounds to stats caused either by hits or diseases cannot exceed the player's unmodified value minus one. For example, a player has a 1000 unmodified mind pool and also has a 1000 mind buff at the time he receives a disease that will take his stats down 3000 by the end of the duration. The player's total mind bar is 2000 points, however it will only be reduced to 1001 because the player can only suffer up to unmodified stat -1 in wounds which would equate in this situation to suffering 999 damage in wounds as his unmodified mind is 1000.

Stat Migration

Stat Migration Prompt

Players may set their stats while on the tutorial and they will take effect instantaneously. When a player leaves the tutorial they can still access their stat migration window and change their stat configuration however the new configuration will not take affect until they interact with an image designer.

Fortunately the system is built with a way to change these stats when you get more experience with the game and have a better idea of the specific distribution you want to have.

Based out of the need and desire of people to mold and change their bodies Image Designers are granted the ability to change stats for players. Image designers not only specialize in altering the body shape, color, markings, hair and alien special features, they excel at changing your physical condition (stats) as well. Generally it's a pretty easy process.

First you will want to find an Image designer. The first place to look if you are in Coronet, Theed or Bestine, is at the image designer tents located in these cities. The one in Coronet is on the outside of the Shuttle Port Park only a short walk from the star port. In Theed it is near the cantina, and likewise in Bestine. Alternatively you can find an image designer by using the community search function in-game and Choosing Image Designer from the search options to see if any are near you.

Once you are with an Image Designer you must group with them and the process takes at least 10 minutes.  First you will negotiate with the Image Designer over the cost.  Once you have agreed on the cost using the ID service window, you should open up your character sheet window (Ctrl-C) and click on the "Stat Migration Button".  The stat migration window will open up and you will see all of your stats and they will have corresponding sliders.  Move the slider back and forth to adjust your stats.  The numbers will rise and fall based on the position of the slider.  At the end of 10 minutes, the session will end and your stats will be adjusted to the levels you set them at.   Be careful not to accidentally close the window.  If you do, the Image Designer will have to start the session over from the beginning and it will require a full 10 minute session. 

It should be noted that this is a general guide intended to help those that do not have experience with stats or are new to the game. Your experience and personal play style will have a great effect on your decisions as to what stats you want.

HAM Regeneration

Regen Stat Effects

The three regen stats (Constitution, Stamina, Willpower) determine how quickly their respective pools regenerate. All three pools appear to regenerate using exactly the same formula. All three regeneration rates are equally affected by the character stance (standing, kneeling, sitting, or prone).

Health_Sitting_Regen( per second ) = CONSTITUTION * 13 / 1200
Action_Sitting_Regen( per second ) = STAMINA * 13 / 1200
Mind_Sitting_Regen( per second ) = WILLPOWER * 13 / 1200

Kneeling_Regen( per second ) = Sitting_Regen * ( 5 / 7 )
Standing_Regen( per second ) = Sitting_Regen * ( 4 / 7 )
Prone_Regen( per second ) = Sitting_Regen * ( 4 / 7 )

It may be easier to remember that sitting has 75% faster regen than standing, and kneeling has 25% faster regen than standing.

Example: Rodan artisan (Constitution=300, Stamina=750, Willpower=550)


- Health_Regen = 300 * 13 / 1200 = 3.25 health pool per second.
- Action_Regen = 750 * 13 / 1200 = 8.12 action pool per second.
- Mind_Regen = 550 * 13 / 1200 = 5.96 mind pool per second.


- Health_Regen = 300 * 13 / 1200 * (5/7) = 2.32 health pool per second.
- Action_Regen = 750 * 13 / 1200 * (5/7) = 5.80 action pool per second.
- Mind_Regen = 550 * 13 / 1200 * (5/7) = 4.26 mind pool per second.

Standing or Prone:

- Health_Regen = 300 * 13 / 1200 * (4/7) = 1.86 health pool per second.
- Action_Regen = 750 * 13 / 1200 * (4/7) = 4.64 action pool per second.
- Mind_Regen = 550 * 13 / 1200 * (4/7) = 3.40 mind pool per second.

Special Attack Costs

Default or auto attacks require no HAM to use. Almost every special attack or ability in the game has a base value associated with it. This base value represents the HAM that will be deducted from the player whenever they use that ability. Weapons are also given base values which are found under the Special Attack Cost category on the item. When a special is used with a weapon, a multiplier for that particular special comes into play. The multiplier for that particular special is multiplied against the current Special Attack Cost values on the weapon, then the values are added to the base special HAM costs. The value that comes from this process is then passed on to be affected by the player's secondary stats for each HAM attribute. The final HAM cost to the player is the remainder from this process. If a player does not have sufficient HAM to cover the costs of using the special either by itself or with the equipped weapon, then the player is simply denied the ability to use the special.

Note: Base cost in the following example is the summation of the actual base ham cost of the special plus the calculated multiplier against the weapon special attack costs. For example if the base costs on a special were 50, the multiplier on the special was 1.5 and the special attack cost value on the weapon was 50 then the base cost of the special prior to going through secondary stats would be 125.

Final Ham Cost Formula:

Cost = Base * ( 1 - ( Stat / 1400 ) )

For example:

1. Unarmed Hit 2 has a base cost of 12 health,18 action, and 12 mind.

2. Given an Strength/Quickness/Focus of 400/350/450, the HAM cost is reduced by 28.6% / 25% / 32%.

3. HAM cost for these stats is 9/14/8. That's 8.75 / 13.5 / 8.14 rounded.

I'll stress again that the formula isn't accounting for some fractional amounts, but will usually get within 1 point of actual ingame costs.

HAM cost formula where Base is the Health, Aaction or Mind base cost for the skill and Stat is the relevant Strength, Quickness and Focus value:

KRONOS TEST: Sample with buffs 200 * (1-(450+2700/450+2700+1400))

Base * (1-(current+modifiers/max+modifiers+1400))


Encumberance are the values associated with wearing armor. Every piece of armor has an encumberance value. When equipped, the encumberance value is subtracted from the player's secondary stats. If a player's secondary stats are too low to meet the requirement of the armor then the player will not be able to equip that piece. Players may use buffs oro ther stat enhancing abilities to increase their secondary stats in order to be able to equip the armor. Players are also allowed to retain the equipped armor even after the buffs have dropped however if they remove it then attempt to re-equip, they will subsequently be unable to do so until they once again meet the stat requirements to wear it. In order for a player to equip a piece of armor, their total encumberance must not take their stat below 1 point.

Char Sheet

Stat Debuffs & Spice Downers

Debuffs are effects that reduce stat pools usually by varying amounts. Stat debuffs serve to hinder the player or otherwise harm their ability to function as effectively. Several types are found in SWG, these being:

1. Radioactive Sampling debuff
2. Force Weaken 1 debuff
3. Force Weaken 2 debuff
3. Spice downer debuff

Stat Buffs

Stat buffs are beneficial enhancement effects that increase the stat pools of a player by varying amounts. Stat buffs come in several forms:

1. Foods
2. Spices
3. Special usable items (focused crystals)
4. Doctor's Heal Enhance ability
5. Musician Enhance Mind ability
6. Dancer Enhance Mind ability


Ham regeneration formula:

(stat * 13 ) / 1200 = base regeneration points per second.

Regen Multipliers

Standing Regeneration = base regen value
Kneeling Regeneration = 1.25 x Base Regen
Prone Regeneration = 1.75 x Base Regen

Ability HAM Cost formula:

Cost = Base * ( 1 - ( Stat / 1400 ) )

For Regression purposes here is the base calculation formula as well

Base = Cost / ( 1 - ( Stat / 1400 ) )

Source References

Source Source in Context
Source 1 Source1
Source 2 http://web.archive.org/web/20041014013833/http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/content.jsp?page=Friday+Feature+Stat+Migration
Source 3 Source 3
Source 4 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=1074085076&t=491564
Source 5 Source 5
Source 6 http://Link6
Source 7 http://Link7
Source 8 http://Link8
Source 9 http://Link9
Source 10 http://Link10
Source 11 http://Link11
Source 12 http://Link12
Source 13 http://Link13
Source 14 http://Link14
Source 15 http://Link15
Source 16 http://Link16
Source 17 http://Link17
Source 18 http://Link18
Source 19 http://Link19
Source 20 http://Link20
Source 21 http://Link21
Source 22 http://Link22
Source 23 http://Link23
Source 24 http://Link24
Source 25 http://Link25