Tailor Jewelry (Game Mechanics)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Tailor Jewelry Experimentation Mechanics

Items Affected


Plated Necklace
Stately Necklace
Crested Neckpiece
Gemstone Crest
Immense Gemstone Necklace
Metal Necklace
Emerald Pendant
Large Pendant
Silver Pendant
Heavy Crystal Symbol
Striped Pendant
Elegant Gemstone Necklace
Ithorian Plated Necklace
Ithorian Stately Necklace
Ithorian Crested Neckpiece
Ithorian Gemstone Crest
Ithorian Immense Gemstone Necklace
Ithorian Metal Necklace
Ithorian Emerald Pendant
Ithorian Large Pendant
Ithorian Silver Pendant
Ithorian Heavy Crystal Symbol
Ithorian Striped Pendant
Ithorian Elegant Gemstone Necklace




Metal Band
Golden Bracelet
Golden Symbol
Metal Bracelet

Experimentation Lines

These items have no experimentation available.

Item Attributes

Variation Of:

This attribute spawns on any item that has had its base type name changed. For player crafted items this type change occurs when the player renames the item from the default given one. The name change can occur automatically as the player chooses a particular style for the item during the customization process or by manually renaming the item in the name field. After changing the name the item now indicates that it is a variation of the specific type that it originated as.

For more information about the Variation Of attribute, see General Item Mechanics


This attribute is present on most wearables and indicates the current hitpoints remaining on the items. The left figure represents the current hitpoints on the item and the right represents the total max possible hitpoints. A wearable that reaches 0 condition can still be equipped and receive properties from it, with the exception of armor. Armor will lose all effective properties, with the exception of skill modifiers. Items at 0 condition cannot be repaired.


Represents the current container contents of the Item.

For more information about volumn counts, see Inventory Mechanics

Object Creator:

This attribute appears only on crafted items or looted components. The crafter's name is listed here.

General Item Mechanics, and General Crafting Mechanics for more information about Serial numbers

Serial Number:

This attribute only appears on crafted items. This represents the alphanumeric code given to the item.

See General Item Mechanics, Using Schematics and General Crafting Mechanics for more information about Serial numbers

***Special Note***

This attribute appears when a player places an item within an anti decay kit.

Source References

Source Source in Context
Bold text