Bazaar (Game Mechanics)

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Template (Game Messages)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Bazaar Bazaar related stuff.

System Messages


The Bazaar

The Bazaar is a galactic commodities market where you can place items up for sale, buy items, and even participate in auctions.


The Bazaar is accessed through special terminals located in nearly every city. In some respects, Bazaar Terminals are similar to mailboxes. Items that are put up for sale are physically deposited into Bazaar Terminals and must later be retrieved by buyers.


To review the types of items for sale at any given time, walk up to a Bazaar Terminal and select Use from the terminal's radial menu. You can review items for sale from all across the galaxy. You can also see any items you have for sale and any bids you' ve placed on current auctions. Items can be browsed and filtered initially based on region, planet and the entire galaxy and through using item category listings.

With publish 14 came the galaxy wide vendor search system. Using this, players can interact with a bazaar terminal and are able to view items from all player vendor's that are enabled with the function. Along with the listings come coordinates the the vendor and the vendor's planet and zone location. Players can use the vendor location tab on the bazaar to browse through auctions from player vendors. Players may also search min and max price listings using a special UI. The galaxy wide vendor search also allows players to filter out items on the bazaar and player vendors by item name through inputting a string and matching all similar items to what matches the string.

Viewing player vendor listings


Items for sale are either posted at a fixed price or placed up for auction. Once you find an item you' d like to purchase, you can either click on Buy or Place Bid. You must have enough credits in your galactic bank account or on hand credits in order to buy an item.

You can review any auction' s status from any Bazaar Terminal. If you win an auction, you will be notified through an in-game message.

Whenever you buy an object (either through a direct purchase or winning an auction), you must still retrieve the item. You must be in the same region as the object in order to retrieve it from a Bazaar Terminal. Travel to any terminal in the specified region, open the Available Items tab and choose Retrieve Items from the terminal' s radial menu.

Buying an item
Buying an item
Buying an item
Buying an item


Any player can sell items to the bazaar or create auctions. For instant sales and auctions, it costs 20 credits to place an item up. Artisans with the premium auction ability however get a special option to place items on the bazaar for 100 credits. This option simply adds a small asterix next to the item on the listing for better visibility on the item listings.

To sell an item, Click on the My Sales tab on the Bazaar screen, and then choose Select Item . You can drag any item from your Inventory into the Bazaar screen. You can choose to post the item as a straight sale (and establish the price) or start an auction (and define a minimum bid) . Once you place an item up for sale, it is deposited into the Bazaar Terminal you are currently using. A player may put up to 25 items total for instant sales and/or for bidding auctions. The maximum duration for all instant auctions 7 days. Bid auctions can be set up to 7 days 24 hours and 60 minutes, or in effect 8 days and 1 hour. If the item is unpurchased after this time then it will be withdrawn. If the item is not picked up by the owner after 30 days, it is deleted. If an item is withdrawn by the seller, but not picked up, then the item's deletion will occur based on the time remaining on the instant sale/auction added to the 30 day limit.

Direct Sales

Direct sales (or instant auctions) are the primary use of the bazaar. Players can put items up onto the bazaar and can set a price of up to 20,000 credits (cap).

Efficency Discounts

   * Efficiency 1: 20% off Bazaar Fees (16 credits or 80 credits for premium sales)
   * Efficiency 2: 20% off Vendor Fees
   * Efficiency 3: 20% off Bazaar Fees (12 credits or 60 credits for premium sales)
   * Efficiency 4: 20% off Maintenance Fees (any structure you own, i.e. on your lots)


Players may place items on the bazaar to be bid on. This bidding system uses a min-max bid through a proxy system where the player can input the amount of credits that they are willing to spend up to on the item. If another player bids on the item, then the proxy bid comes in to offer a one credit higher bid up until the proxy limit. Bidding auctions is also capped at 20,000 credits, so when an auction hits this limit, no further bidding can occur.

Source References

Source Source in Context
Bazaar 1
Bazaar 2
Bazaar 3
Bazaar 4
Bazaar 5
Bazaar 6
Bazaar 7
Bazaar 8